uk/ˌʌn.dɪˈzɜː.vɪŋ/us/ˌʌn.dɪˈzɝː.vɪŋ/not havingearnedtherightto have something; notdeservingsomething:
不配受到的,不该得到的They have beenshownto begroupsundeservingofanyrespectwhatsoever.他们已经被证明是不值得任何尊重的群体。
Many of themfeltthat thewelfarestatebenefitedtheundeserving more than theneedy.他们中的许多人认为,福利国家让不值得的人比真正有需要的人得到了更多好处。
- It was,overall, adisappointingmeal, and undeserving of the highratingothershad given.
- Heinsiststheteamwill be undeservingchampionsif theyclinchthetitleonSunday.
- Judges andjuriesare oftensubjecttoill-informedcriticismfor makingundulygenerousawardsto undeservingplaintiffs.
- As Prime Minister, hepickedafightwith the undeservingrichonbehalfof thedeservingpoor.
Deserving and deserved
- birthright
- come
- comeuppance
- deserts
- deserve
- deserved
- deserving
- getyourjust desertsidiom
- had it coming (toyou)idiom
- hard-earned
- he/shedeserves whatever/everythinghe/shegetsidiom
- just
- serve
- servesomeonerightidiom
- undeserved
- undeservedly
- undeservingly
- unmerited
- well earned
- worthy
the undeserving poor