uk/ʌnˈɪə.mɑːkt/us/ʌnˈɪr.mɑːrkt/Unearmarkedmoneyis notkeptorintendedfor aparticularpurpose:
She called ameetingtodiscussallocationof unearmarkedfunds.
It isunlikelythat theuniversitycouldraisetheestimated£2.5billionof unearmarkedendowmentneededto make up forpresentgovernmentfunding.
- Thecompanyhas £2.3 millionworthof unearmarked moneyinitswith-profitsfund.
- There was adeclinein theamountandlevelof unearmarkedresourcesavailableto theorganization.
- Unrestrictedcontributionsare sometimes referred to as "unearmarked" and "core"resources.
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