in a way thatshowsyou areslightlyworriedoruncomfortableabout aparticularsituation:
不安地,局促地Helookedaround uneasily.他拘谨地看了看四周。
- Theylookedabout uneasily as theyplacedthecall.
- Hesmilesuneasily whentalkingabout what he'll do if hisplanstoboostprofitsfail.
- Carlosnodsinagreement, butshiftsuneasily.
- Millions ofAmericansare nowwatchinguneasily astrendsthat are beyondtheircontrolthreatentodissipatetheirway oflife.
Anxious and worried
- (all) hot and botheredidiom
- -racked
- aflutter
- agitated
- angsty
- anxious
- fretfully
- frightened
- fuss
- get in a sweatidiom
- grim
- prey on sb's mindidiom
- queasily
- queasiness
- queasy
- rattled
- strung out
- worrier
- worrywart
- wound up
in a way that does notfitwell orseemsawkwardorunlikely:
The tworeligionshavecoexisteduneasily for sometime.
Hisdefenseof USintentionssitsuneasilywithother things he says.
- Politicsminglesuneasily withfaith.
- Theplayis afamilydramathat uneasilystraddlesagegroupsandgenres.
- Thisincidentfitsuneasily into people'sstereotypesofmodernLos Angeles.
Unique and unusual
- accidental
- alt-
- alternative
- be marked out assomethingidiom
- be one of a kindidiom
- guerrilla
- incongruous
- inimitable
- irreplaceable
- larger than lifeidiom
- personalized
- quaintly
- quaintness
- quirkiness
- quirky
- uniquely
- unmatchable
- unmatched
- unparalleled
- unrivalled