slightlyworriedoruncomfortableabout aparticularsituation:
不安的,焦虑的,担心的Ifeela little uneasyaboutaskingher to do me such abigfavour.请她帮我这么大的忙,我有点忐忑不安。
- afraidShe was afraid of the dark.
- frightenedDon't be frightened, my dog is quite friendly.
- scaredAre you scared of spiders?
- petrifiedHe got to the top of the tree and was absolutely petrified he'd fall.
- terrifiedI'm terrified of flying.
- panic-strickenShe was panic-stricken when her little boy disappeared.
used todescribeasituationorconditionthat makespeopleslightlyworried, often because it may notcontinuesuccessfully:
(局势或情况)不稳定的,紧张的,令人不安的Who canpredicthowlongthis uneasypeacebetween the twocountrieswill last?谁能预言两国之间勉强维持的和平能持续多久?
She has aslightlyuneasyrelationshipwith hermother-in-law.她和婆婆的关系有一些紧张。
- It's thebigunknowns that makeinsurancecompaniesuneasy.
- Herconsciousnessthat she's different makes herfeeluneasy.
- After therecentriots, an uneasycalmhassettledon thecity.
- I mustadmitthat Ifeelratheruneasy about thedecision.
- Russia'spresidentialcampaigncame to an uneasycloseonMonday.
Anxious and worried
- (all) hot and botheredidiom
- -racked
- aflutter
- agitated
- angsty
- anxious
- fretfully
- frightened
- fuss
- get in a sweatidiom
- grim
- prey on sb's mindidiom
- queasily
- queasiness
- queasy
- rattled
- strung out
- worrier
- worrywart
- wound up