coveredby something:
It may not bepossibletodredgeunexposedportionsof theriverbed.
Hiding and disguising
- be holed upidiom
- booby trap
- camo
- camouflage
- camouflaged
- cloak
- drown
- hiding
- hit the deckidiom
- hole up (somewhere)
- illusion
- incognito
- obscure
- secrete
- shut
- shutsomeone/somethingout
- sidle
- skulk
- smokescreen
- tuck
unexposedadjective(NOT KNOWN)
secretor notknownabout :
Why was theproblemleftcompletelyunexposed for solong?
Agreatsongexposespartsofrealitythatotherwisego unexposed.
Revealing secrets & becoming known
- (the) word is/gets outidiom
- anti-secrecy
- backchannel
- bare
- blowsomeone'scoveridiom
- blow/take the lid offsomethingidiom
- break
- declassify
- hold
- leakage
- Queen's evidence
- rat
- rat onsomeone/something
- reintroduce
- revealingly
- revelatory
- state's evidence
- tip
- transpire
- unload
unexposedadjective(TO DISEASE)
Someone who is unexposed to adiseaseorinfectionhas not been near anyone who has it, andthereforeisunlikelyto get it or beaffectedby it:
People here arerelativelyunexposedtothediseaseand have notbuiltupnaturalimmunityagainst it.
Youngerpeoplein thecitywere unexposedtothevirus,duetoimprovementsinsanitation.
Medicines & drugs: preventing infection
- anti-AIDS
- anti-bac
- anti-plague
- anti-rabies
- antibacterial
- antimicrobial
- antiseptic
- biosecurity
- boost
- carbolic acid
- cauterization
- containment
- Covid-secure
- rubbing alcohol
- scrub up
- shielding
- social distancing
- sterility
- surgical spirit
- swab
Unexposedfilmhas not had anylightshoneonto it when it is in acamera, so there is nopictureon it. :
Wefoundanoldcamerawith some unexposedfilminside.
- airbrush
- aperture
- bokeh
- camera
- camera obscura
- expose
- glossy
- grain
- high-resolution
- hologram
- holographic
- holography
- kinetoscope
- pap
- pic
- picture
- PillCam
- pin-up
- pinhole camera
- projection