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单词 unit


asinglething or aseparatepartof somethinglarger
Each unit of thetextbookfocuseson a differentgrammarpoint.课本的每个单元各有不同的语法重点。
The firstyearof thecourseisdividedinto four units.该课程的第一年分为4个单元。
Thecompanyplanstosplitinto two or three units.公司计划拆分成三个部分。
apieceoffurnitureorequipmentthat isintendedto befittedas apartof a set ofsimilarormatchingpieces
asmallmachineorpartof amachinethat has aparticularpurpose
thecentralprocessingunit of acomputer计算机的中央处理器
a waste-disposal unit废物处理装置
asinglecompleteproductof thetypethat abusinesssells
asingleapartmentin abiggerbuilding
Theoldhousehas beendividedup into threerentalunits.这栋老房子被分成三套住房出租。
More examples
  • Thecompanyannouncedplanstoincreaseproductionto 10 000 unitspermonth.
  • Thecourseworkisdividedinto three units, and you areexpectedtocompleteUnit 1 thisterm.
  • I'dlovetoreplacemyoldkitchenunits - can youtellme thepriceof thisparticulardrawerunit?
  • It would bebetterifproductslikecrispsshowedhow muchsalttheycontainperunit, notper100 g.
  • If onecartoncontains12 units, then you'dbetterorder10cartons.


C1[C,+ sing/pl verb]
agroupofpeoplelivingorworkingtogether,especiallyfor aparticularpurpose
Bothsoldiersspenttwoweeksintrainingbefore beingallowedtorejointheirunit(= theparticularpartof thearmyto which theybelonged).两名士兵均在接受了两周的训练后才被允许归队。
Dr Nussbaum isdirectorof the Civil Liberties Research Unit at King's College, London.努斯鲍姆博士是伦敦国王学院公民自由研究中心的主任。
More examples
  • alight/heavyinfantryunit
  • Themarchwill beheavilypolicedby an anti-riot unit.
  • In mostcountries, thefamilyunit is still thecornerstoneofsociety.


astandardmeasurethat is used toexpressamounts
Acentimetreis a unit oflength.厘米是长度单位。
Thestandardunit ofcurrencyin the US is thedollar.美国的标准货币单位是美元。
Experts say that women should notdrinkmore than 14 units ofalcoholaweek.专家称妇女每周饮酒不要超过14个酒精单位。


adepartmentin ahospitalfor thetreatmentofpeoplewithsimilarillnessesorconditions
She's in theburns/paediatric/psychiatricunit.她在烧伤科/儿科/精神科。


anywholenumberless than ten
Tens go in theleft-handcolumnand units in theright.十位数在左栏,个位数在右栏。


In the enriched representational context of events, situations, actions, and plans the operative representationalunitis often a circuit of nodes rather than a node.
From theCambridge English Corpus
That percentages of air being used add up to oneunitof air is purely arbitrary.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Under this account, if children's lexical representations are stored as sub-units, they are then able to access more stable units with increased accuracy.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The constant represents the expected project yield in capital (perunitinvested), net of monitoring costs.
From theCambridge English Corpus
About half reported an on-site in-patientunitwith an average number of 17 beds (range 1-38).
From theCambridge English Corpus
During the 7-month study period, 448 requests for admission to theunitwere made for 381 patients.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The nominal cryostat geometry will be recovered in future units based on optimized quadrupoles.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The weights associated with output connections are, however, re-estimated after a new hiddenunitis recruited.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Theunit-based ethicist may fulfill a variety of functions through his participation in the working or teaching rounds of theunit.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Unit1 outlines the theoretical framework for the authors' investigation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There is a theoretical (though unknown) value (l) that society would be willing to place on each of these units of outcome.
From theCambridge English Corpus
We did not account for training hospital staff because theunitprice estimates of hospitals included training costs.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Thus, in practice, a brushunitwould experience rapid acceleration and deceleration, which is not the case in these tests.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Theunitof analysis for this model is the rule, and there are forty rules considered.
From theCambridge English Corpus
In most climate change impact studies, per-unitvalue estimates were more or less directly transferred from the study site.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.



These are words often used in combination withunit.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

additional unit
This price is meant to capture the external value of anadditionalunitof carbon.
From theCambridge English Corpus
administrative unit
A 'tehsil' is anadministrativeunitsmaller than the district.
From theCambridge English Corpus
arbitrary unit
Each of these figures is merely an arbitrary unit; neither is sacrosanct.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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