joinedtogether as agroup:
联合的;统一的Factionspreviouslyatwarwith one another are now unitedagainstthecommonenemy.先前彼此敌对的派别现在为了对付共同的敌人联合起来了。
Thewholetownwas unitedingrief.整个村庄陷入了一片悲痛之中。
It was the firstfilmfestivalto takeplacein a united Germany.这是德国统一后的第一个电影节。
See also
the UKnoun
Ifpeopleare united, they allagreeabout something:
一致的On thatissue, we're united.在那个问题上我们是一致的。
a united front
团结一致The party'smainfailinghas beentheirinabilitytopresenta unitedfrontto thepeople.该党的主要失误是没能在人民面前表现出团结一致。
- There's a lot ofresistanceto theideaof a unitedEurope.
- Helmut Kohlbecamethe firstChancellorof a united Germany in 1990.
- We allworkedextrahoursin a unitedeffortto get theprojectfinishedontime.
- The twonationsare united against acommonenemy.
- Localvillagersare united intheiroppositionto thebuildingplans.
Acting, being or existing together
- accompanying
- allied
- along
- alongside
- among
- cooperatively
- double act
- en bloc
- en masse
- epiphenomenon
- non-compatible
- non-conflicting
- one-stop shop
- oneness
- pair off
- twin
- two-way
- unison
- unite
- unity