used toaskforinformationaboutpeopleor things:
什么Whattimeis it?几点了?
Whatbooksdid youbuy?你买了什么书?
What did youwear?你穿的是什么?
Whatsizeshoesdo you take?你穿多大尺码的鞋?
Whathappenedafter Ileft?我离开后发生了什么事?
used inquestionsthat show you aresurprisedor do notbelievesomething:
(用于疑问句中,表示惊奇或不相信)"I just told Peter." "What?/You did what?"“我刚刚告诉了彼得。”“什么?/你做了什么?”
What's this Ihear? You'releaving?什么?你要离开?
what... for?
used toaskabout thereasonfor something:
(用于询问事情的原因)What are thesetoolsfor?这些工具是干什么用的?
What are you doing that for?你那样做目的何在?
"We need abiggercar." "What for?"“我们需要一辆更大的汽车。”“为什么?”
- What's thematterwith you?
- What did youthinkof thefilm?
- What's on at thecinemathisweek?
- What did you say to him?
- Whatkindofdogis that?
Linguistics: question words & expressions
- amirite
- devil
- extent
- how about...?idiom
- how, what, why, etc. on earth...idiom
- in God's/heaven's nameidiom
- question tag
- trick
- what the blazes...?idiom
- what's that (all) about (then)?idiom
- what's the score?idiom
- what/where/how/why the devilidiom
- when
- whenever
- where
- wherefore
- which
- why
- why don't you...?idiom
- world
We use exclamations to express surprise or shock or a strong emotion about something. The type of phrase or clause associated with exclamations is called exclamative.…What…!
We can use what + noun phrase ((+ verb) (+ tag)):…How…!
We often use how followed by an adjective only:…Exclamatives with interrogative form
We sometimes make an exclamation using interrogative (question) word order:…Questions: interrogative pronouns (what,who)
We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. They are: who, which, whom, what and whose. These are also known as wh-words. Questions using these are called wh-questions:…Interrogative pronouns: uses
We use who and whom on their own:…What
What is a wh-word. We use what to ask questions and as a pronoun and determiner.…Whatas a question word
We can use what to ask for information about things and actions:…Whatmeaning ‘please repeat’
We can use what in informal situations to ask someone to repeat something if we don’t hear it or understand it:…Emphatic questions withwhateverandwhat on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using whatever or what on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Whatas a pronoun
We can use what as a pronoun to mean ‘the thing(s) that’:…Whatas a determiner
We can use what in exclamations to express a strong feeling or opinion. In this case, we use what as a determiner before a noun or before a/an (+ adjective) + noun:…What … for?
We can use what … for? in two ways. We can use it in informal situations to mean why?:…What: typical errors
We don’t use what as a relative pronoun:…Idioms
or what?
what about?
what if?
what is he, are they, etc. like?
what of it?
what's on
what's that (all) about (then)?
what's up?
what's what
uk/wɒt/us/wɑːt/whatpronoun(THAT WHICH)
the thing(s) that; that which:
(作关系代词引导从句)…那样的;…的What Iwantedtofindout first was howlongit was going to take.我首先想要搞清楚的是要花多长时间。
What reallyconcernedher was howunhappythechildwas.她真正担心的是那孩子有多么不开心。
She wouldn'ttellme what he said.她不愿告诉我他说过什么。
I didn't have muchmoneyon me but I gave them what I had.我身上没带多少钱,但我把带的钱都给他们了。
Thelettershowedclearlywhat they wereplanning.这封信很清楚地说明了他们是在筹划什么。
I can'tdecidewhattodo next.我决定不下来下一步该做什么。
Have youthoughtabout whattosendas apresent?你想过寄什么礼物了吗?
used tointroducesomething you are going to say:
(用于引出要说的话)You'll neverguesswhat - Lauriewonfirstprize!你永远也猜不到——劳里得了冠军。
I'lltellyouwhat - we'llpickup something toeatonourwayhome.我告诉你——我们在回家的路上买些东西吃。
- Hisstoryof whathappenedthatnightdidn'tcorrespondwith the witness'sversion.
- Pleasedescribeto thecourtexactlywhat yousaw.
- If you'd told me what waswrongI could havehelped.
- They needclearinstructionson what to do next.
- It'sunclearwhatactuallyhappenedthatnight.
Linguistics: relative forms
- howsoever
- or
- that
- whatever
- whence
- whenever
- where
- whereby
- whereof
- wheresoever
- wherever
- whichever
- who
- whom
- whomever
- whose
- whosoever
- wot
Questions: interrogative pronouns (what,who)
We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. They are: who, which, whom, what and whose. These are also known as wh-words. Questions using these are called wh-questions:…Interrogative pronouns: uses
We use who and whom on their own:…What
What is a wh-word. We use what to ask questions and as a pronoun and determiner.…Whatas a question word
We can use what to ask for information about things and actions:…Whatmeaning ‘please repeat’
We can use what in informal situations to ask someone to repeat something if we don’t hear it or understand it:…Emphatic questions withwhateverandwhat on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using whatever or what on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Whatas a pronoun
We can use what as a pronoun to mean ‘the thing(s) that’:…Whatas a determiner
We can use what in exclamations to express a strong feeling or opinion. In this case, we use what as a determiner before a noun or before a/an (+ adjective) + noun:…What … for?
We can use what … for? in two ways. We can use it in informal situations to mean why?:…What: typical errors
We don’t use what as a relative pronoun:…Idioms
and what have you
what with
what/whateversomeonesays goes
what's more
used tointroduceyouropinion:
(用于引出自己的观点)"She can't come." "What ashame/pity."“她来不了。”“真遗憾。”
What anamazingview!多美丽的景色啊!
Whatstrangeclotheshe waswearing.他穿的衣服可真奇怪。
Expressing and asking opinions
- amirite
- apothegm
- couch
- day
- editorialize
- express
- far
- propound
- run
- runsomethingbysomeone
- screed
- should've
- soapbox
- sound
- sound off
- talk
- vociferous
- vociferously
- would
- wouldn't
What is a wh-word. We use what to ask questions and as a pronoun and determiner.…Whatas a question word
We can use what to ask for information about things and actions:…Whatmeaning ‘please repeat’
We can use what in informal situations to ask someone to repeat something if we don’t hear it or understand it:…Emphatic questions withwhateverandwhat on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using whatever or what on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Whatas a pronoun
We can use what as a pronoun to mean ‘the thing(s) that’:…Whatas a determiner
We can use what in exclamations to express a strong feeling or opinion. In this case, we use what as a determiner before a noun or before a/an (+ adjective) + noun:…What … for?
We can use what … for? in two ways. We can use it in informal situations to mean why?:…What: typical errors
We don’t use what as a relative pronoun:…what
used toasksomeone to say something again:
(用于请某人重复所说的话)"Ithinkwe shouldleaveat twelve." "What?" "I said Ithinkwe shouldleaveat twelve."“我觉得我们应该12点离开。”“什么?”“我说我觉得我们应该12点离开。”
Linguistics: question words & expressions
- amirite
- devil
- extent
- how about...?idiom
- how, what, why, etc. on earth...idiom
- in God's/heaven's nameidiom
- question tag
- trick
- what the blazes...?idiom
- what's that (all) about (then)?idiom
- what's the score?idiom
- what/where/how/why the devilidiom
- when
- whenever
- where
- wherefore
- which
- why
- why don't you...?idiom
- world
We use exclamations to express surprise or shock or a strong emotion about something. The type of phrase or clause associated with exclamations is called exclamative.…What…!
We can use what + noun phrase ((+ verb) (+ tag)):…How…!
We often use how followed by an adjective only:…Exclamatives with interrogative form
We sometimes make an exclamation using interrogative (question) word order:…Questions: interrogative pronouns (what,who)
We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. They are: who, which, whom, what and whose. These are also known as wh-words. Questions using these are called wh-questions:…Interrogative pronouns: uses
We use who and whom on their own:…What
What is a wh-word. We use what to ask questions and as a pronoun and determiner.…Whatas a question word
We can use what to ask for information about things and actions:…Whatmeaning ‘please repeat’
We can use what in informal situations to ask someone to repeat something if we don’t hear it or understand it:…Emphatic questions withwhateverandwhat on earth
We can ask emphatic questions using whatever or what on earth to express shock or surprise. We stress ever and earth:…Whatas a pronoun
We can use what as a pronoun to mean ‘the thing(s) that’:…Whatas a determiner
We can use what in exclamations to express a strong feeling or opinion. In this case, we use what as a determiner before a noun or before a/an (+ adjective) + noun:…What … for?
We can use what … for? in two ways. We can use it in informal situations to mean why?:…What: typical errors
We don’t use what as a relative pronoun:…