a hardcoverin whichpaperdocumentsormagazinesarestored:
He'sfilledfive binders withnotes.
See also
ring binder

hanohiki/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Acarefullykeptlogbook(a three-ring binder withpagesforsketchesandnotesofyourobservations) willbecomeavaluedresource.
- Create a binder just forholidayrecipes-foods you made, how youtweakedtheseasonings, what could have used more or lesstimein theoven,recipesyouwantedtotrybut didn't.
Books & parts of books
- acknowledgmentsphrase
- addendum
- appendix
- artwork
- bibliographical
- bibliography
- binding
- errata
- erratum
- ex-libris
- extract
- fascicle
- flyleaf
- library
- margin
- monograph
- preface
- prologue
- recto
- spine
装订工People who work in publishing
- agent
- anthologist
- bookbinder
- co-editor
- co-publisher
- compositor
- concierge
- editor
- editor-at-large
- illustrator
- proofreader
- publisher
- reader
- reviewer
- superagent
- syndicate
- vanity press
amachineused onfarmstofastencropsintosheaves(=bundles)after they have beencut:
装订机The way toharvestcereals50yearsago was to use a binder, thatcutthecropandtiedit up insheaves.
Farm vehicles & equipment
- all-terrain vehicle
- Caterpillar tractor
- combine
- goad
- harrow
- harvester
- milking machine
- planter
- plough
- ploughshare
- reaper
- scarecrow
- seeder
- sifter
- sorter
- spreader
- tractor
- yoke
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Machines - general words
asubstanceaddedto amixtureto make all thepartssticktogether:
粘结剂;增粘剂You can useeggas a binder.
- Ourfoodhas noartificialorprocessedingredients, nolow-costfillersor binders.
- Lumpcharcoalis apureformofcharcoaland ispreferredby manypuristswhodislikeartificialbinders used toholdbriquettesintheirshape.
Glues, gluing & stickiness
- adhere
- adhesion
- adhesive
- Blu-Tack
- cement
- gloopy
- glue
- glue gun
- glue stick
- gluey
- gum
- gummy
- plaster
- putty
- Scotch tape
- sliminess
- slimy
- spirit gum
- sticky
- tacky
bindernoun[C](TIGHT MATERIAL)
astripofmaterialwrappedtightlyaroundpartof thebodytofirmlypressorholdit inplace, forexampleaftersurgery(= amedicaloperation):
Compressiondevicessuch asabdominalbinders andcompressionstockingsmayhelp.
aspecialpieceofclothingthat somepeople,especiallytransgenderpeople(=peoplewhosegenderdoes notmatchthebodythey werebornwith),wearto maketheirchestsappearflatterbyholdingtheirbreastsflat:
One of the mostimportantpartsofchoosingtherightbinder for you is getting therightsize.
Can yourecommendacompanythat makes good binders forbustyindividuals?
Thistransgendernonprofitshipsfreebinders topeoplewho need them.
- Patients arerequiredtowearbreastbinders for three to sixweekstoholdtheimplantinplaceduring thehealingprocess.
Medical dressings, supports & devices
- anti-shock
- auditory brainstem implant
- bind
- biomaterial
- biventricular pacemaker
- blade
- brace
- cotton wool
- Elastoplast
- induction loop
- kinesiology tape
- liposome
- medicine ball
- obturator
- oral implant
- plaster of Paris
- poultice
- sling
- wheelchair
- Zimmer frame
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: