astrongwish,especiallyone that isdifficultorimpossibletocontrol:
(尤指难以或无法控制的)欲望,冲动The two of themseemunabletocontroltheirsexualurges.他们两个似乎欲火焚身。
[+ to infinitive]The urgetostealis verystrongin some of theseyoungmen.这些年轻人中有很多人都有很强的偷窃欲望。
- Shefeltanoverwhelmingurge totellsomeone about what hadhappened.
- I can neverresistthe urge tolaugh.
- aprimalurge toconnectwithnature
- I had asuddenurge toslaphim in theface.
- She had tofighttheoverwhelmingurge tokisshim.
Feelings of desire
- appetite
- caprice
- carnality
- compulsion
- covetousness
- dream
- drive
- entitled
- hankering
- hunger
- impulse
- impulse buy
- impulse buying
- thirst
- vaulting
- whim
- whimsy
- wish
- yearning
- yen
tostronglyadviseortrytopersuadesomeone to do aparticularthing:
敦促;驱策;力劝[+ to infinitive]Lawyers will urge theparentstotakefurtherlegalaction.律师们会力劝家长们采取进一步的法律行动。
[+ that]Investigators urgedthatsafetyproceduresat thesiteshould beimproved.调查人员敦促该工地改进安全规程。
Policeurgedcontinuedvigilancein thefightagainstcrime.警方呼吁继续保持警惕打击犯罪。
Thedogsare urgedintofightingmorefiercelybyloudshoutsfrom thecrowd.人群里发出的高声叫喊使这些狗咬斗得更凶了。
We willcontinueto urgeforleniencyto beshownto theseprisoners.我们将继续呼吁对这些犯人给予宽宥。
- Newspapereditorsare being urged not tointrudeinto thegriefof thefamiliesofmissingservicemen.
- Thepresidenturged othercountriestoliftthetraderestrictions.
- TheWorldBank is being urged to write offdebtsfromdevelopingcountries.
- People were urged toboycottthe country'sproducts.
- He again urgedapprovalof aconstitutionalamendmentoutlawingabortion.
Urging & persuading
- ambulance-chasing
- argumentation
- be/go on atsomeoneidiom
- blag
- blagger
- chivvy
- fob
- induce
- inveigle
- jolly
- lean
- lean onsomeone/something
- miseducate
- miseducation
- overencourage
- soft sell
- woo
- work onsomething
- wrap
- wrapsomeonearoundyourlittle fingeridiom
Phrasal verb