to put something such as atool,skill, orbuildingto aparticularpurpose:
用,使用;利用;运用Thisglasshas been used - could you get me acleanone?这个杯子用过了——请给我拿一个干净的。
[+ to infinitive]Usescissorstocuttheshapesout.用剪刀裁剪成形。
Going on theexpeditiongives me achanceto use all thetrainingI've had.出去探险让我有机会把我所接受的培训付诸实践。
Theoldhospitalisn't used any more.这家老旧的医院已经关张了。
Theselightsare usedforilluminatingtheplayingarea.这些灯用于比赛场地的照明。
To usemilitaryforceagainsttheprotesterswould beunacceptable.决不能容忍动用军队镇压抗议者。
- Yourtablemannersareappalling- don't youknowhow to use aknifeandfork?
- Please use thesideentrance.
- If weclearout thespareroom, you can use it as astudy.
- Theteacherdemonstratedhow to use theequipment.
- Pronouns are often used to refer to anounthat has already beenmentioned.
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- spare
- spent
- swallow
- tap
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
toreducetheamountof orfinishsomething, byeatingit,burningit, writing on it, or by achemicalreaction:
消耗;用掉,用完We've used(up)nearlyall of thebread- will youbuysome more?我们的面包差不多都吃光了——你能再买一些吗?
Does she still usedrugs?她还吸毒吗?
Don'tworryif you use theshampooup(= use all of it)- I'll get moretomorrow.别担心把洗发水用光——明天我要去买一些。
- There wasn't enoughcoalduring thewar, so we had to use itsparingly.
- We used fourtinsofpaintwhen wepaintedtheceiling.
- There's nohotwater- Rachel used it all for herbath.
- Allright- who used the lastcartonofmilk?
- Can I use some of thatwrappingpaper, or do you need it yourself?
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- spare
- spent
- swallow
- tap
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
to say or write aparticularword or phrase:
说或写(特定的单词或词组)"Autumn" is used in BritishEnglishand "fall" in AmericanEnglish.“秋天”在英国英语中是autumn,在美国英语中是fall。
That's anexpressionshe often uses todescribehow shefeels.那是一个她经常用来表达自己感受的词。
Saying & uttering
- (your)every wordidiom
- add
- come
- come out withsomething
- every
- fall fromsomething
- findyourvoiceidiom
- floor
- get in
- in words of one syllableidiom
- inyourown wordsidiom
- mouth
- quoth
- speak
- string
- text
- think
- utterance
- verbalize
- volunteer
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Writing & typing
to takeadvantageof apersonorsituation; toexploit:
利用(他人或某种情形)He's just using you - he'llstealyourideasand then take thecreditfor them himself.他只是在利用你——他会窃取你的想法,然后把功劳都算到自己头上。
It might bepossibleto usetheirmistaketohelpus get what wewant.也许可以利用他们的失误来获取我们想要的东西。
- She uses hernewspapercolumntoexpoundherviewsonenvironmentalissues.
- Ithinkthat some of herfriendsuse her,rather, because she is sogenerous.
- She is just using thesituationtogaina lot ofcheappublicity.
- Manyillegalimmigrantsare beingshamefullyused byunscrupulousemployers.
- Afteryearsof being used andabusedby herhusband, Ruthfinallylefthim.
Treating people or animals badly
- abuser
- anti-harassment
- at the hands ofsomeoneidiom
- batten
- batten onsomeone
- ill-treat
- ill-treatment
- ill-used
- impose
- inflict
- pick onsomeone
- prey
- prey onsomething
- putsomeonethroughsomething
- put upon
- tyrannical
- tyrannize
- tyranny
- uncared for
- victimization
useverb(IN THE PAST)
use touk/ˈjuːsˌtə/us/ˈjuːsˌtə/
Innegativesentencesandquestions, "use to"replaces"used to" when itfollows"did" or "didn't":
(在否定句和疑问句中,在 did 或 didn't 后 used to 变为 use to)Did he use to be thedoctorin "StarTrek"?他曾经在《星际迷航》中扮演过医生吗?
We didn't use to go out much during thewinter.冬季我们不常出去。
In the past
- ago
- any moreidiom
- anymore
- back in the dayidiom
- back thenidiom
- clock
- departed
- dim
- flood
- many moons agoidiom
- mist
- moon
- more
- no longeridiom
- retro
- rewind the clockidiom
- sometime
- step
- the mists of timeidiom
- the status quo ante
could usesomething
Phrasal verb
apurposefor which something is used:
用途,用处Afoodprocessorhas avarietyof uses in thekitchen.厨房里的食品加工器有多种用途。
Don'tthrowthatclothaway - you'llfinda useforit oneday.
No, I don'twanttobuyaboat- I don't have any useforone!不,我不想买船——我买了没用!
theactof using something, or aperiodoftimewhen something is being used or can be used:
使用;得到利用You should beabletoputyourexperienceinelectronicsto (good)use inyournewjob.你应该能够把你在电子行业方面的经验(好好)用到你的新工作当中去。
Don'ttouchthemachinewhen it'sinuse.机器运转时不要触碰。
aflat-screenTV thatbecomesamirrorwhen it isnot inuse一台不用时会变成镜子的平板电视
It's anamethat hasalmostfallenout ofuse(= ishardlyused now ).这是一个几乎没有再用的名字。
There has been anincreaseintheuseofmigrantworkersinrecentyears.最近几年,雇用移民工人的数量有所增加。
Traditionalfarmingmethodsaregoing out of/coming intouse(= used less and less/more and more)in manyareas.传统耕作方式在很多地区用得越来越少/越来越多。
make use ofsomething
to use something that isavailable:
利用We might as well make use of the hotel'sfacilities.我们倒不如利用旅馆的设施。
the use ofsomething
permissionto use something, or theabilityto use something:
使用…的许可;使用…的能力They said we couldhavethe use oftheirbeachhousewheneverthey weren't there.他们说他们不在的时候我们可以随时使用他们的海滨小屋。
Shehurtherarmin thefallandlostthe use of herfingerstemporarily.她摔倒时伤了胳膊,手指头暂时还不能动。
- The use ofcamerasin thismuseumisstrictlyforbidden.
- I made good use of mytime,mixingwith a lot of differentpeopleandpractisingmySpanish.
- We makehelicoptersmainlyformilitaryuseratherthanciviluse.
- There was abigcontroversyover the use ofdrugsinathletics.
- Wedisapproveof this use ofcompanyfundsforpoliticalpurposes.
Goals and purposes
- affordance
- ambition
- avail
- cause
- dedicated
- deflect
- dream
- end
- it's the thought that countsidiom
- key performance indicator
- moonshot
- objective
- point
- target
- target setting
- thought
- towards
- unfocused
- utility
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Using and misusing
theprocessofreducingtheamountof something byburningit,eatingit,involvingit in achemicalreaction, etc.:
耗费Inanaerobicrespiration,sugarisbrokendown tolacticacidwithout the useofoxygen.在无氧呼吸中,糖会在不耗费氧气的情况下,被分解为乳酸。
a moreefficientuseofresources对资源更有效的利用
Using and misusing
- adopt
- adoption
- avail
- availyourselfofsomething
- be/go heavy onsomethingidiom
- exhaust
- go through
- gobblesomethingup
- make capital out ofsomethingidiom
- max
- max out
- spare
- spent
- swallow
- tap
- trade onsomething
- turn over
- turn tosomeone/something
- turn/usesomethingto good accountidiom
- unblock
one of themeaningsof a word, or the way that aparticularword is used:
(某个词的)意思之一;(某个词的)用法之一Can youlistall the uses of the word "point"?你能列出“point”这个单词的所有用法吗?
Meaning & significance
- add
- add up tosomething
- backspin
- be a badge ofsomethingidiom
- connotate
- connotation
- i.e.
- locution
- locutionary
- mean
- meaningfully
- meaningfulness
- meaningless
- purport
- sense
- significant
- signification
- signify
- speak
- subtext
be (of) (any/some) use
be (of) no use
what's the use of...?