uk/ˈvæl.ən.taɪn/us/ˈvæl.ən.taɪn/someone youloveor would like to have aromanticrelationshipwith:
心爱的人;情人Themessageon thecardsaid "Be my Valentine!"卡片上写着“做我的爱人吧”。
(alsovalentine card)
adecorativecardthat yousend, sometimes withoutyournameon it, on 14February(Valentine'sDay) to someone youlove:
(在情人节送出的)情人卡Did you get any valentines?你收到情人卡了吗?
Ilefta valentinecardin herlocker.我在她更衣室衣柜里放了张情人卡。

SvetlanaWSE/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Letters, notes and cards
- aerogramme
- air letter
- billet-doux
- chain letter
- Christmas card
- correspondence
- get-well card
- greetings card
- handbill
- hate mail
- invitation
- invite
- junk mail
- place card
- poison-pen letter
- postcard
- PS
- round robin
- wire