uk/viː/us/viː/something that isshapedlike theletterV:
Herdresshad adeep,revealingvee at thefront.
Aflockof Canadageeseflewin aperfectvee behindtheirleader.
- Thedeepvee of hisdarktopcoatwasfilledwith acashmerescarf.
- Aprotectivestructurewill bebuiltby thestartof thehurricaneseasonin the "vee" where the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and the Mississippi River-Gulf Outletmeet.
- Thesweaterswereredwith agoldveesewnon to them.
- Shelookedup with herbrowsdrawndown into a vee.
Patterns and shapes
- amorphous
- arabesque
- argyle
- asymmetrically
- asymmetry
- bossy
- cutout
- filigree
- fishhook
- flecked
- flowery
- formless
- fretted
- herringbone
- oblong
- shapeless
- shapelessly
- shapelessness
- sigmoid
- snow angel