vertical farm
uk/ˌvɜː.tɪ.kəl ˈfɑːm/us/ˌvɝː.t̬ə.kəl ˈfɑːrm/abuilding, orareaunder theground, wherecropsaregrownin manylayers, one above the other, often in aspeciallycontrolledenvironment:
Multi-storeycarparksandoldwarehouseshave beenconvertedintoverticalfarms.
Verticalfarmsgrowmorefoodbut use much moreenergy.

LouisHiemstra/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Located in asmallwindowlesslaboratory, the college'sverticalfarmis used toidentifytheoptimalconditionsforgrowingfoodindoors.
- Verticalfarmsare said to use up to 95percentlesswaterthanconventionalfarmingbyrecyclingwater.
- She iscomparingtheenvironmentalimpactsofgrowingkaleandlettucein averticalfarmversusaconventionalfarm.
- Onegoalof theprojectis toprovethefeasibilityofestablishingverticalfarmsinformerindustrialbuildings.
Farms & ranches
- collective farm
- estate
- farm
- farmland
- farmstead
- fish farm
- grange
- homestead
- kibbutz
- non-cultivated
- non-farm
- nursery
- plantation
- sheep station
- spread
- station
- superfarm
- tea garden
- truck farm
- truck farming
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Areas of land where crops are grown