(alsovice-)uk/vaɪs/us/vaɪs/used aspartof thetitleofparticularpositions. Thepersonwhoholdsone of thesepositionsis next below inauthorityto thepersonwhoholdsthefullpositionand canactfor them:
副职的;副的the vicecaptainof theteam队伍的副队长
a viceadmiral海军中将
- She is vice-chair of thelocalConservativeparty.
- I was vicecaptainof thehockeyteam.
- He is vicechairmanof thedebatingsociety.
Organizations - position & status
- ambassador
- anti-elite
- anti-elitist
- apparatchik
- back seat
- counterpart
- fish
- grassroots
- high-ranking
- honorary
- junior
- lapsed
- opposite number
- rank
- reach
- superboard
- superiority
- superordinate
- thane
- warranted
amoralfaultorweaknessin someone'scharacter:
堕落,邪恶;不良习气,恶习Greed,pride,envy, andlustareconsideredto be vices.贪婪、骄傲、妒忌和淫欲都被视为罪恶。
mainlyhumorousMy onerealvice(=badhabit)ischocolate.我一个真正的恶习就是爱吃巧克力。
illegalandimmoralactivities,especiallyinvolvingillegalsex,drugs, etc.:
(尤指与性或毒品有关的)罪行,道德败坏行为Thechiefofpolicesaid that he wascommittedtowipingout vice in thecity.警察局长说他将坚定不移地扫除该市的犯罪行为。
Morally wrong and evil
- abhorrent
- amoral
- amorality
- anomie
- antichrist
- disgrace
- dissipated
- dissolute
- dissolutely
- dissoluteness
- no goodidiom
- no more Mr Nice Guyidiom
- non-ethical
- obscene
- obscenely
- trespass
- turpitude
- unconscionable
- unconscionably
- unethical
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Fraud & corruption
Crime - general words
atoolwith twopartsthat can bemovedtogether bytighteningascrewso that anobjectcan beheldfirmlybetween them while it is beingworkedon:
老虎钳;台钳Vices are often used toholdpiecesofwoodthat are beingcutorsmoothed.台钳常常用来固定需要切割或磨光的木块。
Herhandtightenedlike a vice around hisarm.她的手像老虎钳子一样紧紧抓住他的手臂。

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- -pronged
- adjustable spanner
- adze
- Allen key
- auger
- awl
- gimlet
- gouge
- grapnel
- grappling iron
- grindstone
- guillotine
- pincer
- plunger
- prong
- rasp
- razor knife
- reamer
- sander
- trowel