noun[Cusually singular]
uk/ˈweɪn.skət/us/ˈweɪn.skət/anareaofflat,rectangularpiecesofwoodor anothermaterialattachedto thelowerpartsof thewallsin aroom:
装了护墙板的内墙下段,墙裙Thecedarwainscot wascomplementedbybeautifulhardwoodfloorboardsthroughout.整个房间安装了雪松木护墙板,配置以美观的硬木长条地板。

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- On theoppositesideof thefoyeris thediningroom, withitsColonial wainscot,wallmoldingsandmuralofwineandbread.
- "There's amousebehind the wainscot," Edward said.
- You could giveyourroomaninterestingoldcountrylookbyaddinga wainscot ofboardingto afreewall.
- Whenever it is notdesirabletocarrytheplasteringdown to thefloor, for anyreason, it iscustomaryto make use of a wainscot, which is acoveringofwoodworkabout 3 or 4feethigh.
Parts of buildings: walls & parts of walls
- alcove
- balcony
- baseboard
- cavity wall
- chimney breast
- damp course
- damp-proof
- damp-proofing
- drystone wall
- Juliet balcony
- party wall
- pebbledash
- plasterboard
- recess
- sconce
- wainscoted
- wainscoting
- wallboard
- walled
- woodwork