(alsobabycino)uk/beɪ.biˈtʃiː.nəʊ/us/beɪ.biˈtʃiː.noʊ/adrinkforchildrenthatlookslike acappuccino(= acupofcoffeemade withheatedmilkand athickmassofbubbles)but that isservedin asmallcupand made only withmilk, or withmilkand asmallamountofcoffeewithoutcaffeine:
宝宝奇诺,贝比奇诺(一种儿童饮料,看似卡布奇诺咖啡,但用的杯子较小,要么只有牛奶,要么牛奶中加入了少量不含咖啡因的咖啡)Sheordereda babyccino for her littlegirl.她给女儿点了一份宝宝奇诺。
Thecoffeeshopchainlaunchedthe babyccino forchildrenwhowantedtodrinkthe same thing astheirparents.这家连锁咖啡店开始提供宝宝奇诺,满足那些想要跟自己父母喝同样东西的孩子。

SACheckley/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Iorderedtwolattesand a babyccino for myson.
- For theuninitiated, a babycino is afrothycupofmilkthat’sbecomeanaccessoryin thehandsof inner-citytoddlerswhoseparentsbuytoo manyflatwhites.
- Sometimes the babyccino will have asprinkleofchocolateontop.
Warm drinks
- Americano
- arabica
- Assam
- bed-tea
- black tea
- congou
- crema
- cuppa
- Darjeeling
- decaf
- infusion
- Irish coffee
- jasmine tea
- joe
- KeepCup
- rooibos
- Rosie Lee
- sencha
- stewed
- tea