anutwith aslightlybittertaste, aseriesoffoldsin it, and a hardshell:
Sprinkle withchoppedwalnuts toserve.
apearand walnutsalad

Creativ Studio Heinemann/GettyImages
[C](alsowalnut tree)
atalltreeon whichwalnutsgrow:
Walnuts dobestin asunnybutshelteredposition.
Boysclimbedthebigwalnuttreein themiddleof thevillage.

amete/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
theexpensive,lightbrownwoodfrom awalnuttree:
a lute-likeinstrumentmade of walnut

wuttichok/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Mystarterwas alovelydishofaubergineand walnut.
- He has 100acresofland, where hegrowswalnuts,peachesandalmonds.
- Acer (maple), Betula (birch) and Juglans (walnut) shouldideallynot beprunedinsummer.
- They werewealthyenough to haveservantsand walnutfurniture.
Types of edible nut
- almond
- Brazil nut
- cashew
- chestnut
- cobnut
- filbert
- goober
- groundnut
- hazelnut
- hickory
- Jordan almond
- macadamia
- marron
- marron glacé
- monkey nut
- nut
- pecan
- pistachio
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Trees - general words
Types of wood