C1[before noun]
almostaparticularthing orquality:
几乎…的;实质上的Tenyearsofincompetentgovernmenthadbroughtabout the virtualcollapseof the country'seconomy.无能政府10年的执政已经把这个国家带到了崩溃的边缘。
- Fighting andshortageshavebroughtnormallifeto a virtualstandstillin thecity.
- He is a virtualprisonerin his ownhome.
- Fallingordersledto the virtualruinof hercompany.
- Shesuffereda virtualbreakdownwhen hermarriagebrokeup.
- Theyoperatein virtualsecrecy.
- a hop, skip, and a jumpidiom
- about
- almost
- as good asidiom
- as much asidiom
- be on the way tosomethingidiom
- going on
- intent
- more
- more or lessidiom
- much
- part
- scant
- strike
- sub
- that was close!idiom
- to/for all intents and purposesidiom
- up to(doing) somethingidiom
- verge
- way
createdbycomputertechnologyandappearingtoexistbut notexistingin thephysicalworld:
In thegameplayerssimulatereallifein a virtualworld.
Theservicegivesemployeesapersonalizedvirtualdesktopaccessiblefrom anywebbrowser.
done usingcomputertechnologyover theinternet, and notinvolvingpeoplephysicallygoingsomewhere:
Before a virtualmeeting, allparticipantsshouldtestthetechnologyand makesurethey arecomfortablewith themajorfeatures.
Visitourwebsitefor a virtualtourof themuseum.
- It's one of severalinterconnectedvirtualworldsthatplayersexplorein the newcomputergame.
- Virtuallearningdoesn'treplacetraditionaleducationaltools.
- The Planetarium will beofferinga virtualtourof theinternationalspacestation.
Computer concepts
- 3-D printing
- adaptive learning
- additive manufacturing
- addy
- aeroplane mode
- backup
- bulletin board
- capture
- configuration
- importation
- information age
- information security
- information superhighway
- infosec
- scan
- transcode
- transcoding
- Trojan horse
- tuple
- Turing Machine