(alsoVoodoo,vodou,Vodou,voudou,Voudou)uk/ˈvuː.duː/us/ˈvuː.duː/areligion,influencedbytraditionalAfricanreligions, thatinvolvesmagicandattemptstocommunicatewithspiritsanddeadpeople,commoninpartsof theCaribbean,especiallyHaiti, and inpartsof thesouthernUnitedStates:
Abouthalfof Haiti'spopulationisthoughttopractisevoodoo in someform,althoughmanyfollowotherreligiousbeliefsat the sametime.
ThemusicalexploresHaiti'srichartisticheritageand thereligionof Vodou.
She is a Haitian voudoupriestesswho haslivedin New York since the 1960s.
magicor acurse(=magicwords that areintendedtobringbadluckto someone):
There’s no voodooinvolvedincookingjuicy,tendersteak—just twosimplesteps.
Theyfeltas if there was somesortof voodooontheband, because everything just wentwrong.他们觉得那条带子上肯定有什么邪气,因为每件事情都不对劲儿。
- Haitian voodoo is areligionthatholdsmemoriesofAfricaand Haiti’s past.
- Theybelievethat there's aspiritin everything, in everytree, in thesun, in thesea, and that if youunderstandvoodoo, you cantalkto thesespirits.
- Thewitchdoctormarkedtheareawithgreypowder, aclearwarningtobelieversin voodoo, the nation'sdominantreligion.
- There is acurrentspiritualrevivalof voodoo in New Orleans.
Religions & religious groups
- Abrahamic
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- anti-Catholicism
- anti-Christianity
- established
- evangelicalism
- faith-based
- Free Church
- multi-religious
- neo-paganism
- non-established
- paganism
- Pentecostalism
- Sikhism
- Sufic
- Sufism
- Sunni
- super-church
- the Episcopal Church
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Good luck and bad luck
adjective[before noun]
(alsoVoodoo,vodou,Vodou,voudou,Voudou)uk/ˈvuː.duː/us/ˈvuː.duː/relatingto or used in thepracticeof thereligionvoodoo:
Sheclaimedthat a voodoocursehadforcedher tocommitthecrime.
Theyfoundaspookyvoodoodollwithpinsstuckinto it.
Imentionedmytripto Haiti and the voudouceremoniesIsaw.
- He is said to haveplaceda voodoocurseon thedirectorafter he wasdroppedfrom amovierole.
- When he was juststartingout on hiscareer, hecarriedout voodooritualstobringluck.
- She was both adevoutRomanCatholicand a voodoopriestess.
Religions & religious groups
- Abrahamic
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- anti-Catholicism
- anti-Christianity
- established
- evangelicalism
- faith-based
- Free Church
- multi-religious
- neo-paganism
- non-established
- paganism
- Pentecostalism
- Sikhism
- Sufic
- Sufism
- Sunni
- super-church
- the Episcopal Church
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Religious objects