uk/ˈvaɪ.zər/us/ˈvaɪ.zɚ/apartof ahelmetthat can bepulleddown tocovertheface:
Knightsliftedtheirvisors to show theymeantnoharm.

Vincenzo Lombardo/Photographer's Choice RF/GettyImages
acurvedpieceofclearmaterialthat iswornover theeyes,nose, andmouthandkeptinplaceby astrap(= anarrowpieceofstrongmaterial)around thehead,worntoprotectthefaceor tohelppreventthepersonwearingit frominfectingothersor beinginfectedwith avirus, etc.:
The UK Governmentannouncedthat allhairdressersmustwearvisors thatcoverthefacefromSaturday15August.
Theplasticfacevisor iseasytoadjustandwearerscanevenhavetheirglassesonunderneath.

Drazen Zigic/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
apieceofstiffmaterialabove thefrontwindowof acar, etc. that can bepulleddown to giveprotectionfromstronglightfrom thesun:
(汽车前窗上方的)遮日板Thekeysweretuckedin thesunvisor.
At the nextredlight, you can make anoteon the Auto Memo Board, whichattachestoyourvisor.

arisara1978/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages
acurvedpieceofstiffmaterialthat iswornabove theeyesto giveprotectionfromstronglightfrom thesun:
Many of thetouristsweredressedinshortsandsunvisors.
The womanremovedhergolfvisor andshookherhair.

praethip/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
theflat,curvedpartof acapthat goes above theeyesof thepersonwho iswearingit:
帽舌Greg'seyeswereshadedby the visor of hiscap.

prapann/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
Hats & scarves
- ascot
- balaclava
- bandana
- baseball cap
- beanie
- cycle helmet
- deerstalker
- dicky bow
- do-rag
- dunce's cap
- kippa
- mask
- millinery
- mitre
- mortarboard
- topee
- topper
- toque
- trencher
- trilby
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Protective clothing
Protection and protectors
The interior of vehicles
Parts of clothes