单词 | walk free |
释义 | walk freeto not bechargedwith acrime, or to beallowedtoleaveacourtafter beingfoundnotguiltyof acrime: They were notarrestedorchargedandwalkedfreeafter a seven-hourinterrogation. One of the womenchargedwith this 2017murderis set towalkfree. HewalkedfreefromcourtinOctoberafterjudgesruledhe wassufferingfromtemporarymentalillness. Synonym walk(FREE TO GO) toleaveaprisonor otherplacewhere you have beenkeptas aprisoner: After twoweeksofnegotiationsthehostageswalkedfree. Hedescribesthesceneon thedaywhen Nelson Mandelawalkedfreefrom hisislandprison. to beabletowalksomewherewithout anyonestoppingyou orattackingyou: He said that hewantedtoensurethat women,children, theelderly, andstudentscanwalkfreeon thestreetswithoutfearof beingattacked. AgunmanwalkedfreearoundVirginiaTech'scampus, butauthoritieshad noideawhere. Court cases, orders & decisions
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: Freedom to act Liberating, relaxing and releasing |
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