atallcupboardin which youhangyourclothes:
衣橱,衣柜Hehunghissuitinthe wardrobe.他把西装挂进衣柜里。
She wasshowingme her newbuilt-in/fittedwardrobes.她正在带我看她新做的嵌入式衣柜。

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all of theclothesthat apersonowns:
(某人的)全部衣服I need a newsummerwardrobe(= newclothesforsummer).我需要一批夏天的新衣服。
Jeans are anindispensablepartof most people's wardrobe.牛仔裤是大多数人必不可少的衣物。
adepartmentin atheatre,filmcompany, etc. that is inchargeof theclothesthat theactorswearonstage, makingcertainthat they areclean,repairingthem and sometimes making them:
(剧院等的)服装保管部,戏装部He's inchargeof wardrobe at thelocalamateurtheatre.他是当地业余剧院戏装部的负责人。
- Hechoseashirtfrom the many in his wardrobe.
- Alongwoolcoatis aclassicno wardrobe should be without.
- Do youthinkyou couldcontrivesomething forhangingmyclotheson until I can get a wardrobe?
- The wardrobe is 2 m high, 1 mwideand 60 cmdeep.
- I'm going through my wardrobe andthrowingout all theclothesI don'twearany more.
Furniture for storage
- airing cupboard
- almirah
- bookcase
- bookshelf
- broom closet
- closet
- credenza
- cubby
- cubbyhole
- cupboard
- floating shelf
- footlocker
- hatstand
- hot press
- hutch
- showcase
- sideboard
- tallboy
- trophy cabinet
- Welsh dresser
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Clothing - general words
Theatres, cinemas & their parts