theamountthat something or someoneweighs:
重量,分量;体重What weight can thislorrysafelycarry?这辆卡车的安全载重量是多少?
There was aslightdecreaseinhis weight after aweekofdieting.经过一周的节食之后,他的体重略有减轻。
apieceofmetalofknownheavinessthat can be used tomeasuretheheavinessof otherobjects
砝码;秤砣![picture of weight picture of weight](https://dictionary.cambridge.org//images/thumb/weight_noun_002_40836.jpg?version=5.0.287)
Anna Dudek Photography/Moment Open/GettyImages
anyobjectthat isheavy,especiallyoneliftedorthrownforexercise:
Try not toliftheavyweights.不要试图举起重物。
Iliftweightstwiceaweekat thegym.我每周去健身房两次练习举重。
- I'mafraidI'm not a very goodadvertisementfor thedietsince I'veactuallyput on weight!
- Compute theratioof the object'sheighttoitsweight.
- Don'tteasehim about his weight - it'scruel.
- My weightreduceswhen Istopeatingsugar.
- The weight of thecathedralroofiscarriedby tworowsofpillars.
- Yourbloodpressureriseswhenliftingtheseheavyweights.
- There was asmallgymareafittedout withbenchesandfreeweights.
- Theyrecommendedweight-bearingexercise, such asrunning,liftingweights , andplayingtennisandbasketball.
Mass, area, weight & volume in general
- A2
- A3
- A4
- A5
- area
- ballast
- dead weight
- density
- displacement
- heft
- legal
- letter
- mass
- non-dimensional
- specific gravity
- sq.
- square
- tare
- volume
- volumetric
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Fighting sports
Thick, dense and heavy
respect,influence,trust, orimportance:
重要性;影响;分量Herexperiencedoes give heropinionsquiteabitof weight.她的经验的确给她的观点增加了分量。
After he wasvotedout ofoffice, fewpeopleattachedmuch weighttowhat he said.他落选下台以后,就没什么人重视他所说的话了。
Radicalviewsdon'tcarrymuch weight any more.激进的观点影响力不再那么大了。
Importance - general words
- centre of gravity
- cornerstone
- criticality
- focus
- grandness
- gravitas
- import
- overfocus
- pertinence
- pre-eminence
- precedence
- salience
- seriousness
- status
- supremacy
- transcendence
- urgency
- value
- weightage
- worth
be/take a weight offyourmind
take the weight offyourfeet/legs
have/carry/bear/feel the weight of the world on your shoulders
uk/weɪt/us/weɪt/tofastensomethingheavyto something:
加重量于,使变重Papertableclothsneed to be weighteddownor theyblowaway in thewind.纸桌布需要有东西压着,否则会被风吹走。
Measurements of weight & mass
- atomic mass
- body mass index
- carat
- centigram
- ct
- G, g
- gm
- grammage
- hundredweight
- kilogram
- lb
- microgram
- milligram
- ounce
- oz
- pound
- st
- talent
- ton
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Augmenting and supplementing