verystrangeandunusual,unexpected, or notnatural:
怪异的;不寻常的;出乎意料的;超自然的He wassittingaloneby awindowwith a weirdcontraptionon thetableinfrontof him.他独自坐在窗边,面前的桌子上摆着个奇怪的装置。
Her boyfriend's abitweird but she'snice.她的男朋友有点怪,不过她人倒很好。
That's weird - IthoughtIleftmykeyson thetablebut they're not there.真奇怪——我记得把钥匙放在桌子上了,但现在却不见了。
There is nothing torivalthe weirdandwonderfulthings that come out on the Riostreetsatcarnivaltime.没有什么可以和狂欢节期间里约热内卢大街上出现的那些奇妙而古怪的东西相媲美。
- strangeShe's a strange girl.
- oddI always thought there was something a bit odd about her.
- bizarreI had a really bizarre dream last night.
- weirdHis films are so weird that I can barely get through them.
- funnyThis lemonade tastes funny.
- peculiarThe chicken had a peculiar smell.
- She'dcookedup some weirdschemethat was going toearnher afortune.
- Jimi Hendrixlovedtoflinghisguitararound to get weird andwonderfulsoundsfrom thefeedback.
- SomepeoplethinkI'm weird doingmeditation, but itworksfor me and that's all thatmatters.
- Iheardsome weirdnoisescoming fromoutside.
- Thetablewascoveredwith allsortsof weird andwonderfulfood.
Strange, suspicious and unnatural
- aberrant
- abnormal
- abnormally
- add
- Alice-in-Wonderland
- freakishness
- funnily
- funnily enoughidiom
- ghostliness
- ghoul
- perverse
- perversely
- perversity
- perverted
- pervy
- unorthodox
- wack
- wackadoodle
- wackiness
- wacky