aflyinginsect, oftenblackandyellow, that cansting(=produceasmall,painfulskininjury):
黄蜂,胡蜂There's a wasps'nestin thatoldtree.那棵老树上有一个黄蜂巢。
a waspsting被黄蜂蜇的一下

Adam Gault/ Adam Gault/GettyImages
- A wasp came towards us and Howardstartedflailinghisarmsaround.
- She had apuncturewoundin herarm, from a waspsting.
- I gotstungby a waspyesterday.
- Myfootswelledup to threetimesthenormalsizewhen it wasstungby a wasp.
Insect names
- anopheles
- ant
- aphid
- beastie
- bedbug
- daddy longlegs
- damselfly
- deathwatch beetle
- dragonfly
- dust mite
- housefly
- insect
- jigger
- ladybird
- lice
- silverfish
- sow bug
- spider mite
- stick insect
- swallowtail