waste paper
(alsowastepaper)uk/ˌweɪst ˈpeɪ.pər/us/ˈweɪst ˌpeɪ.pɚ/paperthat has been used, is nolongerwanted, and has beenthrownaway:
Thegrasshad beentrampledintomud, and wasstrewnwithwastepaper.
He has abusinesstransportingrecyclablewastepaper.
See also
wastepaper basket
- Trucks have beenunloading600tonsofwastepapereachdayfor more than aweek.
- Much of thewastepaperin theUnitedStatesgoes toAsiancountries, where it is made intorecycledpaperthat is thenresold.
- Thecompanyhaseliminatedmostproductsthatgeneratewastepaper fromitsfoodserviceoperations.
Rubbish and waste
- anti-litter
- anti-littering
- debris
- dejunk
- dejunking
- garbage disposal
- gubbins
- high-level waste
- influent
- jetsam
- litter
- recycle
- rubbish
- sewage
- sewerage
- shavings
- skip diving
- slag
- spoil
- white elephant