wastepaper basket
mainlyUK(alsowaste paper basket)uk/ˈweɪst.peɪ.pə ˌbɑː.skɪt/us/ˈweɪst.peɪ.pɚ ˌbæs.kət/(UKalsowastepaper bin,waste paper bin);(USusuallywastebasket)anopencontainerthatstandson thefloorinsidebuildingsand is used for puttingrubbishin,especiallypaper:
废纸篓,废纸箱Most of theletterstheyreceiveend upinthewastepaperbasket.他们收到的大部分信最终被扔进了废纸篓。
See also
waste bin

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- It isparticularlyannoyingwhen someonedropsrubbishin thewastepaperbasketyou have justemptied.
- He sometimestakeshomelettersconnectedwith his son'sbusinessand, when he hasfinishedwith them,chucksthem in hiswastepaperbasket.
- Adiscardedmatchthrowninto awastepaperbasketwas the mostlikelycauseof afire.
- Most of herliteraryeffortswentstraightinto thewastepaperbin.
- Theletteris sosillythebestthing to do with it isfileit in thewastepaperbin.
Containers for waste
- ashcan
- bag
- bin
- bin bag
- bin liner
- bottle bank
- dustbin
- dustbin bag
- garbage bag
- garbage can
- litter bin
- litter tray
- skip
- trash bag
- trash can
- trash can liner
- waste bin
- wheelie bin