uk/ˈklɪp.bɔːd/us/ˈklɪp.bɔːrd/clipboardnoun(WRITING SURFACE)
aboardwith aclipat thetopthatholdssheetsofpaperinpositionandprovidesasurfacefor writing on:
带夹书写板;写字夹板A woman with a clipboardstoppedus in thestreettoaskus somequestions.有一个手拿写字夹板的女人在街上拦住我们问了一些问题。

koosen/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
[Cusually singular]
anareaforstoringinformationtemporarilyin acomputerwhen you aremovingit from onepositionordocumentto another:
(计算机上的)剪贴板Youdrawtheshapesomewhereonyourworksheet,clickon it andcopyit to the clipboard.在工作表上画出图形,点击选中然后将其复制到剪贴板上。
Computer programming & software
- abandonware
- ad-blocker
- ad-blocking
- adware
- analytics
- cheat
- facial recognition
- facial recognition software
- femtech
- file system
- garbage collector
- infection
- planner
- routine
- software package
- spellchecker
- splash screen
- story mode
- syntactic
- syntactically