(alsowheat grass)uk/ˈwiːt.ɡrɑːs/us/ˈwiːt.ɡræs/aplantof thegrassfamily:
麦草,冰草In someyears,waterislimitedand so are thesageand wheatgrass thatfeedhorses,livestock, andwildlife.在一些年份,降水有限,喂养马匹、牲畜和野生动物的鼠尾草和麦草也长得不好。
theyoungstemsof thewheatplant, which arepreparedinvariouswaysandthoughtto be good foryourhealth:
小麦幼苗的嫩茎Theyclaimthat ashotoffreshwheatgrass is like asinglecompletevitaminsupplement.他们声称,一份新鲜的嫩麦茎就像一份完整的维生素添加剂。
Wheatgrassjuiceis theextractedjuicefromyoung(5 - 10inch)wheatplants.麦茎汁是从5-10英寸的小麦幼苗中提取的汁液。

Nataliya Kushnir/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Nativegrasses,especiallybluebunch wheatgrass, don'tcarryfireas well.
- The five-yeartimeframewouldaccommodateplantingfieldsin aperennial, something likewheatgrassoralfalfa.
- It'spossibletobuygrassesspecificallyforcats, butryeorwheatgrassseemsjust aspalatable.
- Idrinktheirorganicjuices(carrot,orange,grapefruit,beet,celery,spinach, wheatgrass, etc.).
- Sprouts andwheatgrassare agreatway to get somefreshgreensintoyourdiet.
Crop plants & economic plants
- beet
- black mustard
- brassica
- canola
- cash crop
- coffee
- field corn
- flax
- flaxseed
- hemp
- multi-line
- oilseed rape
- rabi
- rape
- rapeseed
- safflower
- sugar beet
- sugar cane
- sweetcorn
- white mustard
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