acircularobjectconnectedat thecentreto abar, used for makingvehiclesorpartsofmachinesmove:
轮子;车轮I got mybagcaughtin the wheel of mybicycle.我的书包被绞进了自行车车轮里。
Helostcontrolof hiscarwhen afront/rearwheelhitarockas heapproachedthe firstbend.在快到第一个转弯处时他的汽车前/后轮碰到了一块石头,失去了控制。
See also
Ferris wheelmainlyUS

Dorling Kindersley/GettyImages
on wheels
Something that is on wheels has wheels under it so that it can bepulledorpushedalong:
装有轮子的Mysuitcaseis on wheels so that makeslifea littleeasier.我的旅行箱装有轮子,所以用起来省力一些。
Iboughtmynieceone of thosetoydogson wheels.我给我侄子买了个那种带轮子的玩具狗。
the wheel
asteeringwheel(= a wheel inside avehiclethat thedriverturnsto make thevehiclego in aparticulardirection):
(车辆的)方向盘Keepyourhandson the wheel!手不要离开方向盘!
I neverfeelsafewith Richardat/behindthe wheel(=driving).理查德开车我就从没有放过心。
Do youthinkyou couldtakethe wheel(=drive)for acoupleofhours?你能不能来开几个小时车?

macroworld/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages
awoodenormetalwheel that isturnedto make ashipgo in aparticulardirection
Greg Pease/Stone/GettyImages
汽车I've got to get some wheels - thebusesare way tooslow!我得买辆车了——公共汽车实在太慢了!
- Remember toapplyplenty ofoilso that the wheel canrotatefreely.
- It was arealjobgetting the wheel off thebike.
- Theheightof thesteeringwheel isadjustable.
- Itriedtomoveforwardsbut the wheels hadlocked.
- The piano's on wheels, so we canrollit into theroom.
The exterior of vehicles
- a fifth/third wheelidiom
- bull bar
- cab
- coachwork
- crumple zone
- finny
- fog light
- full beam
- hazard light
- headlight
- high beams
- hubcap
- mudflap
- sidelight
- sunroof
- tire
- tow bar
- tread
- turn signal
- wing
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Machines - parts
The interior of vehicles
Parts of ships & boats
a fifth/third wheel
set the wheels in motion
wheels within wheels
[Tusually+ adv/prep]
topushanobjectthat has wheels so that itmovesin aparticulardirection:
推,推动(有轮子的东西)Isawher lastnightwheeling abuggyalongGreenLane.昨天晚上我看见她推着婴儿车沿着格林小道走过。
Halfway through thetalksomeone wheeled in atrolleyladenwithdrinks.会谈进行到一半时,有人推进来一辆装满饮料的手推车。
Doctors put her on arespiratorand wheeled herdownstairstointensivecare.医生们给她戴上呼吸器,把她推到了楼下的特别护理病房。
Pushing and shoving
- bat
- batsomething/someoneaway
- bring
- bringsomeonedown
- bundle
- defenestrate
- dig
- elbow
- goad
- heave
- nudge
- poke
- poke/digsomeonein the ribsidiom
- prod
- propel
- push
- push off
- rib
- shoulder
- upset
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Transferring and transporting objects
wheelverb(FLY IN CIRCLES)
toflyrepeatedlyin acircularpattern:
盘旋Shewatchedaflockofseagullswheeling high above her.她注视着一群在她头顶盘旋的海鸥。
Animal (non-human) behaviour
- accidental
- beg
- behave
- behaviour
- behavioural science
- behaviourist
- claw
- gambol
- housebroken
- migrate
- monogamous
- monogamy
- murmuration
- nocturnal
- non-migrant
- nuzzle
- ruminate
- scent
- skitter
- soar
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Movement through the air
wheelverb(TURN AROUND)
很快地转过来Shesuddenlywheeled andlookeddirectlyat me.她突然转过来看着我。
Mike wheeledonTomandstartedshouting.迈克转向汤姆,大喊大叫起来。
Changing direction
- about-face
- about-turn
- bear
- branch off
- break
- cut
- decoy
- deflect
- diversionary
- divert
- glance off(something)
- head off
- oscillate
- peaked
- reverse
- turn
- turn off(something)
- U-ie
- veer
- yo-yoing
Phrasal verbs
wheel round