uk/kləʊk/us/kloʊk/cloaknoun(PIECE OF CLOTHING)
alooseouterpieceofclothingwithoutsleeves, thatfastensat theneck, and isworninsteadof acoat
Dave and Les Jacobs/Blend Images/GettyImages
Coats, jackets & cloaks
- achkan
- anorak
- Barbour
- barn coat
- baseball jacket
- DJ
- donkey jacket
- double-breasted
- doublet
- down jacket
- mac
- mackintosh
- mantle
- Nehru jacket
- oilskin
- single-breasted
- slicker
- smoking jacket
- sports jacket
- stole
something thathides,covers, orkeepssomethingelsesecret:
遮掩物;伪装;掩盖;幌子Therestaurantheownedwas just a cloakfor(=hid)his drug-dealingactivities.他开那家餐馆不过是为他从事毒品交易作掩护。
Theyleftthehouseunder cloakofdarkness.他们趁着天黑离开了那所房子。
Secrecy and privacy
- anonymity
- anonymization
- anonymize
- anonymous
- anonymously
- data protection
- dead men tell no talesidiom
- dissimulate
- dissimulation
- down-low
- private
- privately
- privileged
- pseudonym
- pseudonymization
- undisclosed
- whitewash
- whitewashing
- wrap
- wrapped (up) in secrecyidiom
掩藏,掩饰He has alwayskepthisloveaffairscloakedinsecrecy(=keptthemsecret).他总是隐瞒他的风流韵事。
Theriveris often cloakedinmistin the earlymorning.清晨,这条河上常常是雾霭弥漫。
to keep someone or something from being seen
- hideI'll need to hide the sweets so the children don't find them.
- concealHe did his best to conceal his true feelings from his spouse.
- secreteThe spies smuggled the films out of the country by secreting them in the lining of their coats.
- cloakThe proceedings were cloaked in secrecy.
Hiding and disguising
- be holed upidiom
- booby trap
- camo
- camouflage
- camouflaged
- conceal
- drown
- hit the deckidiom
- hole up (somewhere)
- illusion
- incognito
- infiltration
- obscure
- secrete
- shutsomeone/somethingout
- sidle
- skulk
- smokescreen
- stash
- tuck