comparedwith thefactthat; but:
尽管;但是;却He must be about 60, whereas hiswifelooksabout 30.他肯定有60岁上下了,可他妻子看起来只有30岁左右。
Youeatahugeplateoffoodforlunch, whereas I have just asandwich.你午饭吃了一大盘东西,可我只吃了个三明治。
- Sheactuallyenjoysconfrontation, whereas Ipreferaquietlife.
- He is aglobalist, whereas we arenationalistswho will putourcountryfirst.
- Heworksslowlyandpreciselywhereas Itendtorushthings and makemistakes.
- Yourhairhas anaturalwavewhereas mine's juststraightandboring.
- Shedescribedhim,rathercharitably, asquietwhereas I would have said he wasboring.
Linguistics: connecting words which express a contrast
- again
- any way you slice itidiom
- at any rateidiom
- at leastidiom
- best
- but
- disjunctive
- given
- hand
- however
- in the face ofsomethingidiom
- in the teeth ofsomethingidiom
- might
- nevertheless
- only
- rate
- slice
- spite
- tooth
- when
We use the conjunction whereas to indicate a contrast between two facts or ideas:…