adjective[before noun]
(alsowhistlestop)uk/ˈwɪs.əl.stɒp/us/ˈwɪs.əl.stɑːp/used todescribeaseriesofshortvisitsto anumberof differentplacesin ashortspaceoftime:
在各地短暂访问的,巡回短访的The candidate's whistle-stoptourchuggedthrough Missouri, Kansas andColoradobeforewindingdown in Arizona.这位候选人的短暂访问经过了密苏里州、堪萨斯州和科罗拉多州,最后在亚利桑那州结束。
Truman may have come through here in the '40s during one of his whistle-stopcampaigns.杜鲁门可能在40年代的某次竞选巡回短访中来过这里。
Wefinallymade itnorthof theborderfor adelightfulwhistle-stoptouraround Burnscountry.我们终于到了边境以北,在彭斯的祖国进行了一次愉快的巡回短访。
used todescribeasituationin which a lot of things aredescribedor done, with not muchtimegiven to eachpart:
Below weoffera whistle-stopguidetoEasternandNorthernEurope'scitybreakdestinations.
The firsthalfof thedegreecourseis a whistle-stoptourofmultimediadesign.
Tonight's showprovidesa whistlestoptourofcomedyfrom the 1940s to thepresentday.
- During the 1964election, shebravelyembarkedon a whistle-stoptourof eightSouthernstatestopromotethe CivilRightsAct.
- The mostpopulartripstendto be whistle-stopcoachtoursof the country'shighlights.
- Ourschedulethisweekisbeginningtoreadlike one of those "If it'sTuesday, it must beParis" whistle-stop Americantoursof theworldthat Europeans like tomockso much.
- Heflewhomefrom a whistlestoptripto Moscow.
- Lincoln waswarnedabout anassassinationattempton a whistle-stopjourneyfrom Springfield, Ill., to takeofficein Washington.
- First onstagewas Brozman himself,preparingtoleada whistle-stoptourof hisgreatesthits.
- adventure
- break-journey
- carpool
- carpooling
- circumnavigation
- commuting
- expedition
- field trip
- grand tour
- jaunt
- journey
- layover
- odyssey
- outward-bound
- ride
- round trip
- sail
- stopover
- trip
- wanderings
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Fast and rapid
mainlyUS(alsowhistlestop)uk/ˈwɪs.əl.stɒp/us/ˈwɪs.əl.stɑːp/asmalltownorcommunityon arailwayline, or astationin or near asmalltownwheretrainsonlystopif they are given asignalto do so:
哨子站(指火车见到信号才停的小站或小地方)A "whistle-stop," inrailroadterms, is acommunitytoosmalltoenjoyregularscheduledservice.用铁路术语来说,"哨子站"指的是那些非常小的社区,享受不到固定时刻表的服务。
one of aseriesofshortvisitstovariousplacesmade by apoliticianduring anelection:
政治家在竞选旅行中的短暂访问President-elect Nixonmentionedseeing, at a whistle-stop in Deshler, Ohio, agirlcarryingasignreading"Bring Us Together."当选总统尼克松提到自己在竞选旅行时曾在俄亥俄州德西勒村短暂停留,看到一个女孩拿着标语牌,上面写着“让我们团结起来”。
- Thelocomotivewasgainingspeedswiftly,itsone hundred and fivetonsdepartinganother whistle-stop in anotheranonymoustown.
- With apopulationfluctuatingbetween eight and 12, William Creek inSouthAustraliaismerelya whistle-stop.
- I tookphotographsof Bobby and Ethel Kennedy on acampaignwhistle-stopdaysbefore Bobby waskilled.
- They areplanninga whistle-stop hereMarch30.
- Whistle-stops byhelicopterwithin aconstituencymust bedeclaredaselectionexpenses.
- Now, thepresidentialcampaigniswagednot just in the whistlestops and hustings ofAmerica, but also onYouTubeand in theviralvideoworld.
Towns & regions: towns, cities & villages (general)
- aerotropolis
- anti-city
- anti-urban
- Cantabrigian
- citywide
- county borough
- garden city
- Londoner
- metro
- municipal
- retirement community
- retirement village
- sanctuary city
- sister city
- twin
- urban
- urban jungle
- urbanization
- village
- Woop Woop
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Railways & railway lines