释义 |
waveverb[I or T](MOVE HAND)B1toraiseyourhandandmoveit fromsidetosideas a way ofgreetingsomeone,tellingsomeone to do something, oraddingemphasisto anexpression: 挥(手);招手,摆手(表示问候、指示或强调) I wavedto/athim from thewindowbut he didn'tseeme.我从窗口向他招手,可他没看见我。 I was waving myhandlikemadbut he neveroncelookedin mydirection.我疯狂地挥手,可他连看也没朝我这边看一眼。 She was soannoyedshe wouldn'tevenwave usgoodbye/wavegoodbyetous.她极为恼火,甚至都不愿向我们挥手道别。 She waves herhandsabout/arounda lot when she'stalking.她说话时手总在比划着。 wavesomeoneaway, on, etc. to make amovementwithyourhandthattellssomeone tomovein aparticulardirection: 挥手示意(某人)离开/继续向前(等等)You'll have towaittill thepolicemanwaves thecaron.你得等着,直到警察挥手示意车辆可以继续前行。 You can't just wave me away as if I were achild!你不能就那么挥挥手,像打发小孩子一样把我赶走! - He would alwaysturnand wave at the end of thestreet.
- They waved at us as wedroveby.
- Mary waved at the man but he didn'tseemtonotice.
- Shesuddenlyespiedsomeone waving at her from thewindow.
- Iwishedher asafejourneyand waved her off.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWelcoming, greeting & greetings - adieu
- afternoon
- air kiss
- aloha
- ayup
- buh-bye
- five
- g'day
- good evening
- hello strangeridiom
- howdy
- mind
- namaskar
- pleased
- poke
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- receive
- salaam
- shalom
- wish
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: waveverb[I or T](MOVE REPEATEDLY)C1tomovefromsidetoside, or to make somethingmovelike this whileholdingit in thehand: 挥舞,挥动;摆动,摇晃 Thecornwavedgentlyin thesummerbreeze.谷物在夏日微风中轻轻摆动。 Acrowdofpeoplerandown thestreetwavingbanners.一群人挥舞着横幅,沿着街道一路奔走而去。 HeseemstothinkI can wave amagicwandand everything will be allright.他似乎认为我只要挥一挥魔杖,一切就都会解决了。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesShaking, swinging and vibrating - brandish
- flap
- flourish
- fluffsomethingup
- jitter
- joggle
- pulse
- shakiness
- shimmy
- stir
- stirsomethingup
- sway
- sweep
- teeter
- thrashing
- wag
- wobble
- wobbler
- wobbly
- worry atsomething
See more results » waveverb[I or T](CURL HAIR)Ifhairwaves, itcurlsslightly: (头发的)卷曲,波浪卷If sheleavesherhairtodryonitsown, it just wavesnaturally.如果她让头发自己干的话,就会自然卷曲。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHairdressing - barber's pole
- bewigged
- braid
- coiffeur
- colourist
- dip dye
- dryer
- foil
- frost
- hairdressing
- hairstylist
- henna
- loose
- peroxide
- razor
- scalp
- tong
- tonsorial
- trim
- wigged
See more results » Idiomwave/say goodbye tosomething Phrasal verbswavesomethingaside wavesomeone/somethingdown wavesomeoneoff wavenoun[C](WATER)B1araisedlineofwaterthatmovesacrossthesurfaceof anareaofwater,especiallythesea: (尤指海上的)浪,波浪,波涛 Atnight, Ilistenedto thesoundof the wavesbreaking/crashingagainst theshore.夜里,我倾听着浪花拍击海岸的声音。  Martin Ruegner/The Image Bank/GettyImages - Alargewavesweptawayhalfthesandcastle.
- Theboatwasswampedby anenormouswave.
- Wind and wavepowerare now beingseriouslycanvassedas thesolutiontoourenergyproblems.
- Ahugewavecapsizedtheyacht.
- Themurmurof the waves on thebeachlulledme tosleep.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWaves - bore
- breaker
- choppy
- comber
- crest
- dumper
- heavy
- overfall
- roller
- rough
- roughness
- spume
- standing wave
- surf
- swell
- tidal wave
- tsunami
- wake
- white horses
- whitecaps
See more results » wavenoun[C](HAND MOVEMENT)C2theactionofraisingyourhandandmovingit fromsidetosideas a way ofgreetingsomeone, etc.: 挥手道别 GiveGrandpa a wave.跟爷爷挥手告别。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesWelcoming, greeting & greetings - adieu
- afternoon
- air kiss
- aloha
- ayup
- buh-bye
- five
- g'day
- good evening
- hello strangeridiom
- howdy
- mind
- namaskar
- pleased
- poke
- pumpsomeone'shandidiom
- receive
- salaam
- shalom
- wish
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: wavenoun[C](BY A CROWD)the Wave US(UKMexican wave)a wave-likemovementmade by acrowdwatchingasportsgame, when everyonestandsandliftsuptheirarmsand thensitsdown again one after another: 人浪(指体育比赛中观众依次举起手臂站起复坐下,如波浪一般) Thecrowddid the Wave.人群中做出了一个人浪。 SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesSpectators & commentators at sports events - cheerleader
- color commentator
- commentator
- fight song
- gate
- groundhopper
- groundhopping
- Mexican wave
- pitch invasion
- press box
- scout
- secondary ticketing
- spectate
- spectator
- spectator sport
- supporter
- tailgate
- twelfth man
wavenoun[C](ENERGY)B2thepatternin which sometypesofenergy, such assound,light, andheat, arespreadorcarried: 波,周波;振动 - Themicrophoneconvertsacousticwaves toelectricalsignalsfortransmission.
- Theunitemitsanelectromagneticwave.
- Radio Seventransmitson 201mediumwave.
- Waves oflightandsoundaretransmittedin everydirection.
- Thesesoundwavestravelat over 1000feetpersecond.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesPhysics: the state of matter - absorbency
- absorption
- acidic
- allotropic
- compressible
- concentration
- e-liquid
- fluid
- impermeable
- metallic
- permeable
- pressurized
- runny
- rusty
- slurry
- sulphurous
- superabsorbent
- superwave
- unabsorbent
- unset
See more results » wavenoun[C](LARGE NUMBER)C2alargerthanusualnumberofeventsof asimilar, oftenbad,type,happeningwithin the sameperiod: (常指坏事的)一波,一批,一阵 acrimewave犯罪率的激增 Thecountrywassweptby a waveofprotests.这个国家在抗议浪潮中几近崩溃。 a new/second, etc. wave ofsomething anumberofeventsof aparticulartypethathappenagain or arerepeatedafter apause: A new wave ofjoblossesisexpectedthisyear.预计今年可能会出现新一波的失业高潮。 There arefearsthateasingthe lockdownruleswilltriggera second wave of thedisease. There werewarningsthat hisdeathwouldtriggerafreshwave ofattacks. - The MetOfficesays that theheatwave willcontinuefor most of theweek.
- Thevineyardisrepresentativeof the new wave ofwineproducers.
- Wave on wave ofrefugeeshascrossedthebordertoescapethefighting.
- Thisrecentwave ofterrorismhasruledout anychanceofpeacetalks.
- A wave ofstrikessweptthecountry.
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesOrder and sequence - general words - alphabetize
- around
- back end
- be a chapter of accidentsidiom
- catalogue
- chapter
- cycle
- inline
- linear
- linearity
- linearly
- litany
- merry-go-round
- priority
- procession
- secondly
- sequence
- sequencing
- string
- train
See more results » You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics: wavenoun[C](STRONG FEELING)C2asuddenstrongfeelingthat getsstrongeras itspreads: A waveofpanicsweptthrough thecrowd.恐慌情绪在人群中蔓延。 See alsobrainwave(IDEA)UKinformal SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesStrong feelings - afire
- all-consuming
- anguish
- anguished
- ardent
- ferociously
- fierce
- fierceness
- fit to burstidiom
- fulminating
- passions run highidiom
- pungently
- rabidly
- reinforced
- rhapsodic
- searing
- tempestuous
- tingle
- torrid
- virulent
See more results » wavenoun[C](HAIR CURVES)aseriesofslightcurvesin a person'shair: (头发的)卷曲,波浪卷Yourhairhas anaturalwave, but mine's juststraight.你的头发是自来卷,而我的却直直的。  Merethe Svarstad Eeg/EyeEm/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrasesHair - anti-dandruff
- as bald as a cootphrase
- baldness
- baldy
- bedhead
- curl
- five o'clock shadow
- frizzle
- frizzy
- fuzzy
- goatee
- lank
- mane
- muttonchops
- rug
- scurf
- slaphead
- walrus moustache
- waxed
- wig
See more results » Idiomsmake waves wave after/upon wave (Definition ofwavefrom theCambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus© Cambridge University Press)waveverb[I or T](MOVE HAND)B1toraiseyourhandandmoveit fromsidetosideas a way ofgreetingsomeone,tellingsomeone to do something, oraddingemphasisto anexpression 挥(手);招手,摆手(表示问候、指示或强调)I wavedto/athim from thewindowbut he didn'tseeme.我从窗口向他招手,可他没看见我。 I was waving myhandlikemadbut he neveroncelookedin mydirection.我疯狂地挥手,可他连看也没朝我这边看一眼。 She was soannoyedshe wouldn'tevenwave usgoodbye/wavegoodbyetous.她极为恼火,甚至都不愿向我们挥手道别。 She waves herhandsabout/arounda lot when she'stalking.她说话时手总在比划着。 wavesbaway, on, etc. to make amovementwithyourhandthattellssomeone tomovein aparticulardirection 挥手示意(某人)离开/继续向前(等等)You'll have towaittill thepolicemanwaves thecaron.你得等着,直到警察挥手示意车辆可以继续前行。 You can't just wave me away as if I were achild!你不能就那么挥挥手,像打发小孩子一样把我赶走! - He would alwaysturnand wave at the end of thestreet.
- They waved at us as wedroveby.
- Mary waved at the man but he didn'tseemtonotice.
- Shesuddenlyespiedsomeone waving at her from thewindow.
- Iwishedher asafejourneyand waved her off.
waveverb[I or T](MOVE REPEATEDLY)C1tomovefromsidetoside, or to make somethingmovelike this whileholdingit in thehand 挥舞,挥动;摆动,摇晃Thecornwavedgentlyin thesummerbreeze.谷物在夏日微风中轻轻摆动。 Acrowdofpeoplerandown thestreetwavingbanners.一群人挥舞着横幅,沿着街道一路奔走而去。 HeseemstothinkI can wave amagicwandand everything will be allright.他似乎认为我只要挥一挥魔杖,一切就都会解决了。 waveverb[I or T](CURL HAIR)Ifhairwaves, itcurlsslightly. (头发的)卷曲,波浪卷If sheleavesherhairtodryonitsown, it just wavesnaturally.如果她让头发自己干的话,就会自然卷曲。 Phrasal verbswavesthaside wavesb/sthdown wavesboff wavenoun[C](WATER)B1araisedlineofwaterthatmovesacrossthesurfaceof anareaofwater,especiallythesea (尤指海上的)浪,波浪,波涛Atnight, Ilistenedto thesoundof the wavesbreaking/crashingagainst theshore.夜里,我倾听着浪花拍击海岸的声音。 - Alargewavesweptawayhalfthesandcastle.
- Theboatwasswampedby anenormouswave.
- Wind and wavepowerare now beingseriouslycanvassedas thesolutiontoourenergyproblems.
- Ahugewavecapsizedtheyacht.
- Themurmurof the waves on thebeachlulledme tosleep.
wavenoun[C](HAND MOVEMENT)C2theactionofraisingyourhandandmovingit fromsidetosideas a way ofgreetingsomeone, etc. 挥手道别GiveGrandpa a wave.跟爷爷挥手告别。 wavenoun[C](BY A CROWD)the Wave US(UKMexican wave)a wave-likemovementmade by acrowdwatchingasportsgame, when everyonestandsandliftsuptheirarmsand thensitsdown again one after another 人浪(指体育比赛中观众依次举起手臂站起复坐下,如波浪一般)Thecrowddid the Wave.人群中做出了一个人浪。 wavenoun[C](ENERGY)B2thepatternin which sometypesofenergy, such assound,light, andheat, arespreadorcarried - Themicrophoneconvertsacousticwaves toelectricalsignalsfortransmission.
- Theunitemitsanelectromagneticwave.
- Radio Seventransmitson 201mediumwave.
- Waves oflightandsoundaretransmittedin everydirection.
- Thesesoundwavestravelat over 1000feetpersecond.
wavenoun[C](LARGE NUMBER)C2alargerthanusualnumberofeventsof asimilar, oftenbad,type,happeningwithin the sameperiod (常指坏事的)一波,一批,一阵acrimewave犯罪率的激增 Thecountrywassweptby a waveofprotests.这个国家在抗议浪潮中几近崩溃。 a new, second, etc. wave ofsth anactivitythat ishappeningagain or is beingrepeatedafter apause 新的一波/第二波(等等)A new wave ofjoblossesisexpectedthisyear.预计今年可能会出现新一波的失业高潮。 - The MetOfficesays that theheatwave willcontinuefor most of theweek.
- Thevineyardisrepresentativeof the new wave ofwineproducers.
- Wave on wave ofrefugeeshascrossedthebordertoescapethefighting.
- Thisrecentwave ofterrorismhasruledout anychanceofpeacetalks.
- A wave ofstrikessweptthecountry.
wavenoun[C](STRONG FEELING)C2A wave of anemotionorfeelingis asuddenstrongfeelingthat getsstrongeras itspreads. (感情或情绪的)突发,高涨A waveofpanicsweptthrough thecrowd.恐慌情绪在人群中蔓延。 See alsobrainwave(IDEA)UKinformal wavenoun[C](HAIR CURVES)aseriesofslightcurvesin a person'shair (头发的)卷曲,波浪卷Yourhairhas anaturalwave, but mine's juststraight.你的头发是自来卷,而我的却直直的。 Idiomsmake waves wave after/upon wave wave| American Dictionarywaveverb[I/T](MOVE)toraiseyourhandandmoveit fromsidetosideas agreeting, or to get someone'sattentionor giveinformation: [I]Sheleanedout thewindowand waved (good-bye). [M]Assoonas weshowedourpapersasjournalists, thepolicemanwaved us in(=movedhishandtoallowus to go in). If you wave something or something waves, youmoveit fromsidetosidewhileholdingit in thehand, or somethingelsemovesit in this way: [T]He was veryexcitedandrushedinto theroomwaving apieceofpaper. [I]Flags waved in thebreeze. wavenoun[C](WATER MOVEMENT)araisedmovementofwaterrollingacrossthesurfaceesp. of thesea: We were soclosewe couldhearthe wavesbreakingon thebeach. A wave is also asuddenincreasein anactivityor in thestrengthof aconditionorfeeling: A wave ofemotionsweptthrough her as shevisitedherhometown. wavenoun[C](ENERGY FORM)physicsthecontinuous,repeatingpatternin which sometypesofenergy, such assound,light, andheat, arespreadorcarried: wavenoun[C](MOVE)amovementofyourraisedhandfromsidetosideor up and down as agreetingorgoodbye, or to get someone'sattentionor giveinformation: Shelookedat him for alongtime, and then, with a wave of herhand, she was off. (Definition ofwavefrom theCambridge Academic Content Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)alargerthanusualnumberofeventsof asimilar, oftenbad,type,happeningwithin the sameperiod: a wave of sthDuring therecessionthere was a wave ofbankruptciesandmassunemployment. acrimewave thepatternin which sometypesofenergy, such assound,light, andheat, arespreadorcarried: light/sound/radio wavesLargeamountsofdataistransmittedvialightwaves inside fiberopticcables. make waves to do things that makepeoplenoticeyou, often in a way thatcausestrouble: Sometimes, anemployeefeelsintimidatedbyworkplacebullying, but, they don'twantto make waves. (Definition ofwavefrom theCambridge Business English Dictionary© Cambridge University Press)Examplesofwavewave Here we consider some dustcharging effects on plasma waves on the macroscopic level.From theCambridge English Corpus The disper sion equation for the waves was obtained as the product of two equations.From theCambridge English Corpus To illustrate this effect, we solve (1) numerically for right-hand polarized waves.From theCambridge English Corpus Such a distribution function is formed mainly owing to pitch-angle scattering caused by ultralow-frequency hydromagnetic waves.From theCambridge English Corpus The stabilization of self-excited (linearly unstable) ionization waves (using centre manifold theory) is a topic that will be presented in a forthcoming paper.From theCambridge English Corpus The resulting (not self-generated) wavepackets are called waves of stratification.From theCambridge English Corpus In the compressible case magnetosonic waves should also be taken into account.From theCambridge English Corpus The moon and sun's gravitational forces mostly drive the longest waves (tides).From theCambridge English Corpus To take advantage of the benefits offered by this approach, four waves of data were collected across the 3-week time span of this study.From theCambridge English Corpus The movements are worm-like, the contractions passing along the body in waves.From theCambridge English Corpus Future research with multiple waves of data collection will help to better quantify these associations.From theCambridge English Corpus They showed that the intrusion initially propagates along the middle layer as a bulbous head, leaving a train of interfacial waves in its wake.From theCambridge English Corpus Special attention is given to solutions for which there is a train of waves on each side of the distribution of pressure.From theCambridge English Corpus In particular, it is shown that (depending on the values of the parameters) short waves may appear on either side of the pressure distribution.From theCambridge English Corpus Therefore, the waves of shorter wavelength are now on the back.From theCambridge English Corpus These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors. #https://dictionary.cambridge.org//dictionary/english/wave## |