Welsh dresser
UKuk/ˌwelʃ ˈdres.ər/us/ˌwelʃ ˈdres.ɚ/(UShutch)alargepieceofwoodenfurniturethat hascupboardsanddrawersin thelowerpartandlong, usuallyopen,shelvesabove them:
(上部为隔板、下部为抽屉或柜子的)威尔士式餐具柜There was aWelshdresserin thekitchen, which took up most of theavailablespace.厨房里有一个威尔士式餐具柜,占据了大部分可用空间。

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- Thekitchenwas asprawlingspacewith aflagstonefloordominatedby ahugetable, aWelshdresserandrowsoflargecupboards.
- Thepubhas beenrenovatedinhumbleVictorianstyle, withblanketboxes,Welshdresser,woodenchairsetc.
- I have afloatingfloorin mycurrenthouseand the onlytimeInoticeit is when Iwalkpast theWelshdresserand theplatesrattle.
- Thechinadisplayon theWelshdresserisbasicallyblueandwhitechina.
Furniture for storage
- airing cupboard
- almirah
- bookcase
- bookshelf
- broom closet
- closet
- credenza
- cubby
- cubbyhole
- cupboard
- floating shelf
- footlocker
- hatstand
- hot press
- hutch
- showcase
- sideboard
- tallboy
- trophy cabinet
- wardrobe