uk/wiːnd/us/wiːnd/Ababyoryounganimalthat is weaned hasstartedtoeatotherfood,especiallysolidfood,insteadof onlyitsmother'smilk:
You maywanttosterilizespoonsandbowlsonceyourbabyis weaned.
weaned on sth
havinglearnedabout something and beeninfluencedby it whenyoung:
Thisstyleofcampaignmay beexactlywhat agenerationofyoungvotersweaned onrealityTV willrespondto.
- Once weaned, some of the yearlings will go tomarket, but most go tofeedlots.
- Shewantstostartworkagain when thebabyis weaned.
- Experts say they are notsurewhether theyoungwhalewasrecentlybornand is stillnursingor is a weaned 1-year-old.
- Obesity isseenas agrowingproblemin Americanchildrenweaned on TV andvideogames.
Parenting & caring for children
- adopt
- adoptable
- adopted
- adoptee
- adoption
- caretaking
- child-rearing
- childless
- childlessness
- childmind
- lawnmower parent
- looked-after
- mothering
- nanny
- non-custodial
- stay-at-home
- swaddle
- unadoptable
- unadopted
- upbringing
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Animal farming - general words
Adapting and attuning to something