wet room
UKuk/ˈwet ˌruːm/us/ˈwet ˌruːm/abathroomin which theshoweris notseparatedoff from therestof theroom, andwaterfrom theshowerisallowedtofalldirectlyonto thefloorand thenflowaway through aholein thefloor:
湿室,非干湿分离的浴室Awetroomprovidesthefunctionalityof atraditionalbathroom, along with theluxuryof atiledareaunderneaththeshowerthat is muchbiggerthannormal.湿室提供传统浴室的功能,并且在淋浴头的下方有一片用地砖铺成的舒适区域,比通常的面积大。

James Balston/ArcaidImages/GettyImages
Parts of buildings: rooms
- antechamber
- anteroom
- atelier
- attic
- ballroom
- efficiency room
- en suite
- eyrie
- family room
- form room
- meat locker
- multi-chambered
- multi-room
- observation lounge
- panic room
- playroom
- vestibule
- waiting room
- workroom
- workshop