(used inquestionsandstructuresin which there is afixedorlimitedset ofanswersorpossibilities) what one orones:
(用于答案数目固定或有限的问题中)哪个;哪些Whichpartywould youpreferto go to - Anna's or Dan's ?你更想去哪个聚会——安娜的还是丹的?
Whichdoctordid yousee- Seward?你看的是哪一位医生——苏厄德医生吗?
Whichtimesuitsyoubetter- 12.30 or one o'clock?哪个时间你更方便——12点半还是1点?
"Jacinta was there with herboyfriend." "Which one? She has several."“雅辛塔和她的男朋友在那边。”“哪个男朋友?她有好几个。”
Which is mine? Thesmallerone?哪个是我的?小一点的这个?
Seeif you canguesswhich one is me in myoldschoolphoto.看看你能否看出上学时的老照片中哪个是我。
It's eitherSpanishorPortuguesethat shespeaks, but I'veforgottenwhich.她说的要么是西班牙语,要么是葡萄牙语,我忘了是哪一种了。
Whichofthedessertsdid you have?你吃的是哪一种甜点?
Which ofyourparentsdo youfeelcloserto?你觉得跟父母哪一方更亲近?
- Whichsideare you on?
- Is there aparticularsequencein which you have toperformthesetasks?
- Why don't youplayabout with the differentfontson thecomputerandseewhich one youwantto use?
- Which of thesejacketsdo youprefer?
- Whichtownshall wevisitnext? Bristol or Bath?
Linguistics: question words & expressions
- amirite
- devil
- extent
- how about...?idiom
- how, what, why, etc. on earth...idiom
- in God's/heaven's nameidiom
- question tag
- trick
- what the blazes...?idiom
- what's that (all) about (then)?idiom
- what's the score?idiom
- what/where/how/why the devilidiom
- when
- whenever
- where
- wherefore
- who
- why
- why don't you...?idiom
- world
whichdeterminer,pronoun(ADDS INFORMATION)
used toaddextrainformationto apreviousclause, in writing usually after acomma:
(用于为前边的从句补充额外信息,书面英语中通常用于逗号之后)那个,那些,那种情况Thatbaron MiltonStreet, which by the way is verynice, isownedby Trevor'sbrother.米尔顿大街上的那家酒吧,顺便提一句那里非常棒,是特雷弗的哥哥开的。
She says it's Charlotte'sfault, which isstupid, and that sheblamesher.她说那是夏洛特的错,真是一派胡言,竟然还责怪她。
Anyway, thatevening, which I'lltellyou more aboutlater, Iendedupstayingat Rachel'splace.总之,那天夜里我住在了雷切尔那里,我以后会告诉你更多那天晚上的事。
It's the third in asequenceof threebooks, the first of which I reallyenjoyed.这是那套系列书里的第三本,该系列共有三本,我非常喜欢其中的第一本。
Heshowedme round thetown, which was verykindof him.他带我参观了这个城镇,他真是太好了。
Thepickingof thefruit, for whichworktheyreceivenomoney,takesabout aweek.采摘水果,这项工作没有工资,大约花1周时间。
- He said thepoliceassaultedhim while he was incustody, aclaimwhich thepolicedeny.
- Hismotherlivesin the nextstreetto us, which is a little toocloseforcomfort.
- Sheappearstoactuallylike the man, which Ifindincredible.
- He's gotpinkwallsand agreencarpet, which to mymindlooksallwrong.
- Thebomb, whichkilled15people, was theworstof aseriesofterroristoutrages.
Linguistics: relative forms
- howsoever
- or
- that
- what
- whatever
- whence
- whenever
- where
- whereby
- whereof
- wheresoever
- wherever
- whichever
- whom
- whomever
- whose
- whosoever
- wot
Questions: interrogative pronouns (what,who)
We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. They are: who, which, whom, what and whose. These are also known as wh-words. Questions using these are called wh-questions:…Interrogative pronouns: uses
We use who and whom on their own:…Which
Which is a wh-word. We use which to ask questions and to introduce relative clauses.…Whichas a question word
We use which in questions as a determiner and interrogative pronoun to ask for specific information:…Whichin relative clauses
We use which in relative clauses to refer to animals and to things:…Which+of
We use of with which before other determiners (the, those, your) and pronouns (yours, them):…which
uk/wɪtʃ/us/wɪtʃ/whichpronoun(USED TO REFER)
used as thesubjectorobjectof averbto show what thing or things you are referring to, or toaddinformationabout the thing justmentioned. It is usually used for things, notpeople:
(用作动词的主语或宾语,指代所提及的事物,或为刚提到的事物补充信息,通常不用于指人)These areprincipleswhich we allbelievein.这些是我们所有人都坚信的原则。
Youknowthat littleItalianrestaurant- the one which Imentionedin myletter?你知道那个意大利小餐馆——就是我在信里提到过的那个?
Is that thefilmin which hekillshismother?这是那部他杀死了自己妈妈的电影吗?
Thedeathof hissonwas anexperiencefrom which he neverfullyrecovered.他再也没能从儿子死亡的打击中完全恢复过来。
It isn't asubjectto which I devote agreatdealofthought.这不是个让我花费很多心思去思考的问题。
- Thebandplayedafamiliartunewhich had everyoneclappingalong.
- It's adiseasewhichaffectsmainlyolderpeople.
- Thecliffson which thehousesarebuiltarestartingtocrumble.
- Hedeniedallresponsibilityfor therumourswhich have beencirculating.
- Theseplantsneed arichsoilwhichretainsmoisture.
Linguistics: relative forms
- howsoever
- or
- that
- what
- whatever
- whence
- whenever
- where
- whereby
- whereof
- wheresoever
- wherever
- whichever
- whom
- whomever
- whose
- whosoever
- wot
Questions: interrogative pronouns (what,who)
We use interrogative pronouns to ask questions. They are: who, which, whom, what and whose. These are also known as wh-words. Questions using these are called wh-questions:…Interrogative pronouns: uses
We use who and whom on their own:…Relative pronouns
Relative pronouns introduce relative clauses. The most common relative pronouns are who, whom, whose, which, that. The relative pronoun we use depends on what we are referring to and the type of relative clause.…Relative pronouns:which
We use which in relative clauses to refer to animals and to things. We use it to introduce defining and non-defining relative clauses. We always use which to introduce relative clauses when they refer to a whole sentence or clause:…No relative pronoun
In informal styles, we often leave out the relative pronoun. We only do this in defining relative clauses, and when the relative pronoun is the object of the verb. We don’t leave out the relative pronoun when it is the subject of the verb nor in non-defining relative clauses:…Relative pronouns: typical errors
We can’t use that instead of who, whom or which in non-defining relative clauses:…Which
Which is a wh-word. We use which to ask questions and to introduce relative clauses.…Whichas a question word
We use which in questions as a determiner and interrogative pronoun to ask for specific information:…Whichin relative clauses
We use which in relative clauses to refer to animals and to things:…Which+of
We use of with which before other determiners (the, those, your) and pronouns (yours, them):…Idiom
which is which