uk/kləʊzd/us/kloʊzd/closedadjective(NOT OPEN)
关闭的,不开的It might be lessdraughtyif thedoorwere closed.把门关上可能就不会有那么强的穿堂风了。
关门的;不营业的All theshopswere closed, so we couldn'tbuyanyfood.所有的商店都关门了,所以我们什么吃的也买不到。
- The bank's closed now, but I can get somemoneyout with mycard.
- Therestaurantis always closed onWednesdays.
- Theroadwas closed while thevehiclesthat had beeninvolvedin theaccidentweretowedaway.
- Thehotelis closed duringlowseason, i.e. fromOctobertoMarch.
- Is thekitchendoorclosed, so that thedogcannot get in?
- Theroadwas closed alldaybyorderof thepolice.
- Willpatronskindlynotethat thisshopwill be closed on 17July.
Open and closed
- airtight
- ajar
- barred
- crack
- gaping
- hermetic
- hour
- latch
- off-hours
- open
- out of hoursidiom
- outspread
- sealed
- shut
- to
- unbarricaded
- undone
- unopened
- wide-eyed
finishedandthereforenotableto bediscussedany more :
完成的;结束的"Thematteris closed," said theheadteacher.“这件事到此为止,”校长说道。
Finished & over
- bar
- be (all) over bar the shoutingidiom
- be done and dustedidiom
- close
- done
- down
- drop the micidiom
- finished
- finito
- in the canidiom
- it's a wrapidiom
- lapsed
- last
- mic
- mission
- out
- over
- see
- to the lastidiom
- wrap
closedadjective(NOT ACCEPTING IDEAS)
notwantingtoacceptnewideas,people,customs, etc.:
僵化的,不接受新思想的;闭关排外的You have such a closedmind.你脑子太僵化了。
The setting of thenovelis the closedworldofbanking.这部小说的背景是排外的银行界。
Unwilling and reluctant
- arsed
- balk
- baulk
- be blowed if...idiom
- be in no mood forsomething/to dosomethingidiom
- begrudge
- deign
- disinclination
- disinclined
- disobliging
- dragyourheels/feetidiom
- fag
- indisposed
- indisposition
- not have the stomach forsomethingidiom
- ratheryouthanmeidiom
- reluctance
- reluctant
- reluctantly
- wouldn't
closedadjective(OF QUESTION)
A closedquestioncan beansweredwith "yes" or "no" or bychoosingone of anumberoffixedanswers:
Thesalespersonasksa closedquestion, "Shall Ireserveone for you?",implyinga yes or noanswer.
The researcherspreparealistofquestions, which may be closed oropen-ended.
- A closedquestionis: "Did youplaygolfonSaturday?" andhopefullyyou just get a yes/noanswer.
- To beabsolutelyclear, Ifindit isbesttoaska closedquestionsuch as "Is thatyourposition?", to which thereplymust be "yes" or "no".
- If youwanttokeepaconversationgoing,askquestionsthat areopen-endedratherthan closed.
Questioning people & asking questions in general
- ask aftersomeone
- ask questions ofsomeone/somethingidiom
- besomeone'sfor the askingidiom
- beat
- beatsomethingout ofsomeone
- bombard
- cross-examine
- doorstep
- enquire
- inquire withinidiom
- interviewer
- pin
- Q, q
- reinterview
- resurvey
- retest
- rhetorically
- roll
- survey
- the third degreeidiom
behind closed doors