to take ormoveout or back, or toremove:
抽回;取回;提取;撤回;撤离;退出;移回Thiscreditcardallowsyou to withdraw up to £200 adayfromATMs.这张信用卡允许你每天从自动取款机中提取200英镑。
The UN has withdrawnitstroopsfromthecountry.联合国已从该国撤军。
Eleven millionbottlesofwaterhad to be withdrawnfromsaledueto ahealthscare.因为担心危害健康,有1100万瓶水不得不停止销售。
Once incourt, he withdrew thestatementhe'd made to thepolice(= heclaimedit wasfalse).一上法庭,他便推翻了自己对警方的供词。
Allchargesagainst them were withdrawn after the prosecution'scasecollapsed.原告诉讼被驳回,所以对他们的指控都撤销了。
formalAfterlunch, we withdrewintoherofficetofinishourdiscussioninprivate.午饭后,我们回到她的办公室私下完成讨论。
She had to withdrawfromthecompetitionbecause of aleginjury.她因伤只好退出了比赛。
Following hisnervousbreakdown, he withdrewfrompubliclifeandrefusedto give anyinterviews.神经崩溃后,他退出了公众生活并拒绝接受任何采访。
to go backwards
- reverseThe road ahead was blocked by a tree so I had to reverse.
- backI backed into the drive.
- back upI backed up into an empty parking space.
- retreatShe retreated hastily back up the stairs.
- pull backUN peacekeepers have pulled back from the border.
- withdrawThe British army withdrew from Dunkirk in 1940.
to take something somewhere
- takeAre you allowed to take your phone to school?
- bringCould someone bring me a cup of coffee?
- takeSomeone's taken my pen.
- removeCan someone please remove this ugly plant?
- take awayWhen you've finished your meal, the waiter takes the plates away.
- take outShe opened her bag and took out a small notebook.
- TheSovietUnionbecameanxiousto withdrawitssoldiersfrom theAfghanimbroglio.
- OnWednesdaynightthe UNissueditstoughestultimatumtodate,demandingthat alltroopswithdraw from thecity.
- Tradesanctionswill only beliftedwhen theaggressornationwithdrawsitstroops.
- We arecommittedto withdrawingourtroopsby the end of theyear.
- To themortificationof the show'sorganizers, thetopperformerswithdrew at the lastminute.
Removing and extracting
- ablate
- abstract
- bowdlerization
- bowdlerized
- clear the decksidiom
- drain
- extract
- gougesomethingout
- letsomeonedown
- over-extraction
- pick
- pluck
- pump
- scoop
- scratch
- takesomethingaway
- unboxing
- undrained
- wipesomethingoffsomething
- yank
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Withdrawing money
withdrawverb(STOP CONTACT)
tostoptalkingto otherpeopleandstartthinkingthoughtsthat are notrelatedto what ishappeningaround you:
不再说话;沉默;不与人交流As achild, shefrequentlywithdrewintoher ownfantasyworld.童年时候,她经常沉浸在自己的幻想世界中。
After theaccident, he withdrewinto himselfandrefusedtotalktofamilyorfriends.那场事故后,他变得沉默寡言,并拒绝和家人或朋友说话。
Shy and modest
- aw shucks
- backward
- bashful
- bashfully
- bashfulness
- deprecating
- humility
- inadequacy
- inadequate
- inhibited
- inhibition
- mousy
- retiring
- self-conscious
- self-consciously
- self-consciousness
- self-deprecating
- unassuming
- wallflower
- withdrawn
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Not being friendly