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单词 within
inside or notfurtherthan anareaorperiodoftime
Twothirdsof Californianslivewithin 15milesof thecoast.三分之二的加利福尼亚人居住在离海岸15英里以内的地区。
In 1992cross-bordercontrolswithin the EU weredismantled.1992年,欧盟内部取消了边境通行管制。
Fororderswithin the UK,pleaseenclose£2.50 forpostandpacking.英国国内的订货,请附上2.5英镑的邮资及包装费用。
Theresortlieswithineasyreachof(= notfarfrom)theskislopes.该景点距离滑雪坡道不远。
Werecommendthat thiswineshould beconsumedwithin sixmonths.我们建议该酒在6个月内饮用完毕。
Withinhoursof thetragedyhappening, anemergencyrescueteamhad beenassembled.悲剧发生后几小时之内,就集结起来一支紧急救援队伍。
Theticketsshouldreachyou within theweek(= before the end of thisweek).票将在本周内送到你处。
He's veryhighlyregardedwithin hisprofession.他在业内得到很高的评价。
Shemanagedtocompleteher lastfilmwell withinbudget.她设法在预算内拍完了她最新一部电影。
Thetargetwas now withinrangeand so she tookaimandfired.当时目标正处于射程范围内,于是她瞄准并开火。
He couldsensethat hisgoalwas withinreach(= it could bereached).他可以感觉到自己的目标能够实现。
Thecathedralspirewas now withinsight(= it could beseen).已经可以看到教堂的尖顶了。
I wasactingwithin thelaw(=legally).我在法律允许范围内行事。
We came within fivepointsofbeatingthem(= we would havebeatenthem if we had had five morepoints).我们要是再多拿5分就可以击败他们了。
More examples
  • Hesawher as hismainadversarywithin thecompany.
  • Theelectricitycompanyguaranteesconnectionwithin 24hours.
  • Saturdaystaffneeded- Inquire within.
  • She's very good atkeepingthepeacewithin thefamily.
  • If weplancarefully, we should beabletostaywithinourbudget.


Within is a preposition.
Within: space
Within means ‘inside or not further than a particular area or space’:
Within: time
We can use within to refer to time:


from within


The tense-aspect and verb class are the samewithineach pair.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The meaning is the samewithineach pair.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Bargaining processeswithincountries and previous institutional structures contributed to shape reforms differently in each context.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Among the most fundamental and important distinctionswithinrights theory is that between will and interest theories of rights.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Instead, they tried to interpret it as beingwithinthe limits set by the more restrictive theological tradition.
From theCambridge English Corpus
There is general acknowledgement that the role that religion playedwithincourt life was changing during this period.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The diversity of experiencewithineach rank indicates the problematic nature of working with an oversimplistic interpretation.
From theCambridge English Corpus
All that has been done here has been to demonstrate that the court moved with caution andwithinestablished guidelines.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The registration law of successive occupation stipulated that those electors who moved onlywithina parliamentary borough would not be disqualified by the move.
From theCambridge English Corpus
At the county level, there are incentives to retain patients by developing treatment capacitywithinthe county.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The concept of the life course is often subsumedwithina contemporary sociology that assumes a high degree of diversity, fluidity and individual choice.
From theCambridge English Corpus
Another example is tumour localisationwithinthe thorax.
From theCambridge English Corpus
If a spell begins and endswithinthe panel, the duration can be determined.
From theCambridge English Corpus
What gives it depth is situating these issueswithinthe argument that runs through the book.
From theCambridge English Corpus
The patient usually retur ns home the day following the implant and retur ns to normal activitieswithina few days.
From theCambridge English Corpus
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.




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