adjective[before noun]
uk/ˈwɜː.kɪŋ/us/ˈwɝː.kɪŋ/workingadjective[before noun](JOB)
工作的a 37-hour workingweek工作时间为37小时的工作周
Workingconditions/practicesin themillhavehardlychangedover the last 20years.过去20年来,这家磨坊里的工作条件/方式几乎没有改变。
She has adifficultworkingrelationshipwith many of heremployees.她与很多员工的工作关系都不好。
有工作的Thesetaxchangeswillaffect90percentof the workingpopulation.这些税收的变化将会影响到90%的工作人口。
- Theunionwantstoseeareductionin workinghours.
- Insistence onbetterworkingconditionsby theunionhasresultedin feweremployeeabsences.
- Theintroductionof new workingpracticeshasdramaticallyimprovedproductivity.
- Thesefiguresmeanthatalmost15percentof the workingpopulationisunemployed.
- Wefounditimpossibletoacclimatizeourselves to the new workingconditions.
Work, working and the workplace
- act assomething
- all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)idiom
- assignment
- bandh
- be at workidiom
- grind
- hoop
- hot-desking
- hotelling
- housekeeping
- in the line of dutyidiom
- induction
- industry
- moonlight
- skivvy
- slave
- slog
- slouch
- spadework
- undertaking
workingadjective[before noun](MACHINE)
运行着的It has taken about fiveyearstorestoretheaircraftto(full)workingcondition/order.大约花了5年时间才让这架飞机完全恢复正常运转。
The workingpartsof amachineare those thatmoveand make itwork:
(零件)运转的It isessentialthat all workingcomponentsare welllubricated.给所有运转部件适时上润滑油是非常重要的。
- I'm notsureif themachineis in workingorder.
- They arerestoringtheengineto workingcondition.
Machines - Functioning
- action
- actuator
- asthmatically
- deactivation
- engaged
- firesomeoneup
- function assomething/someone
- functional
- functionality
- functioning
- in commissionidiom
- operate
- operational
- order
- power
- reset
- self-driving
- start
- start (something) up
- tick over
workingadjective[before noun](USEFUL)
used to refer to aplan,idea, orknowledgethat is notcompletebut is good enough to beuseful:
初步的;暂定的,基本够用的We have a workingtheory/hypothesisabout whatcausedthecrash, which we willtest.我们有了一个关于坠机原因的初步设想/假设,还有待进一步验证。
She'sfluentinFrenchandEnglishand has a workingknowledgeofSpanish.她法语和英语说得都很流利,西班牙语也能应付。
- usefulThese useful gadgets should find a home in every kitchen.
- helpfulThey gave us some really helpful advice.
- valuableHe was able to provide the police with some valuable information.
- invaluableThe Internet is an invaluable resource for teachers.
- constructiveIt was a very constructive discussion.
Efficient and effective
- be firing on all cylindersidiom
- businesslike
- clockwork
- come together
- dispatch
- do the trickidiom
- does what it says on the tinidiom
- ergonomics
- high-functioning
- labour-saving
- miraculous
- non-effective
- punch
- snappily
- snappy
- super-effective
- super-efficiency
- super-efficient
- trick
- worthyoursaltidiom