noun[Cusually singular]
anareaoflandthat has not been used togrowcropsor hadtownsandroadsbuilton it,especiallybecause it isdifficulttolivein as aresultofitsextremelycoldorhotweatherorbadearth:
Alaskais the lastgreatwilderness.阿拉斯加州是最后一片大荒原。
mainlyUSIt's a wildernessarea, under theprotectionof the ParksDepartment.这是一片受公园管理部门保护的荒野。

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anoutsideareain whichplantsarelefttogrownaturallyoruntidily:
(杂草丛生的)荒地Thegardenwas a wildernessofweedsandovergrownbushes.这个花园一片荒芜,满是杂草和丛生的灌木。
- Heabidedin the wilderness for fortydays.
- Theareais atracklesswilderness.
- If hefailstogainthetitle, it couldmeanmonthsin the wilderness.
- Theareahas reverted to wilderness since the minecloseddown.
- Thenorthernpeninsulais arockywilderness.
Geography: deserts, prairies & wildernesses
- brush
- bush
- Bushman
- desert
- dust bowl
- grassland
- heathland
- marginal land
- moor
- moorland
- mulga
- pasture
- plain
- prairie
- Sahara
- the Gobi Desert
- veld
- virgin
- wadi
- wasteland
in the wilderness
wilderness years