uk/wəʊd/us/woʊd/aEuropeanplantwhoseleavescan be used to make abluedye(= asubstanceused tochangethecolourof something):
They used theplantwoad to make abluedyeforcolouringclothesand, somebelieve,theirskins.
thedyethat isobtainedfrom thewoadplant:
According tolegend, theancientBritonspaintedthemselves with woad tofrightentheirenemiesbutalmostcertainlyit was also done because woad has thepowertostopbleeding.

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- Asalternativestoindigo,plantscalled logwood and woad weretriedinordertocreateshadesofblue, butindigowas the mostprizedforitslong-lastingcolour.
- Theleavesof the woadplant, Isatis tinctoria, made into apaste,suppliedabluedye.
- It ispossiblethatourancientancestorspaintedaparticularpatternin woad ontheirfacesinordertoreinforcetriballinks.
Types of plant
- amaranth
- Andromeda
- annual
- arborescent
- beanstalk
- grower
- gymnosperm
- hardiness
- hardy
- herb
- mossy
- mugwort
- mustard
- non-hardy
- non-legume
- starter plug
- succulent
- sundew
- tenderness
- tomatillo
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Paints, dyes & pigments