toaskyourselfquestionsorexpressawishtoknowabout something:
疑惑;想知道[+ question word]Shouldn't youphonehome?Yourparentswill be wonderingwhereyou are.你是不是最好给家里打个电话?你父母会想知道你在哪儿的。
He'sstartingto wonderwhetherhe did therightthing inacceptingthisjob.他现在开始怀疑自己接受这份工作是否正确。
[+ speech]Will thisturkeybebigenough for eight, I wonder?我不知道这只火鸡够不够8个人吃。
"Have youdecidedwhere you're going nextsummer?" "I've been wonderingabout(=considering)goingto Florida."“你决定好明年夏天去哪里了吗?”“我一直在考虑去佛罗里达。”
used inphrases, at thebeginningof arequest, to make it moreformalandpolite:
(用于短语中,使请求更加正式和礼貌)不知能否…Wewerewonderingif/whetheryou'd like to havedinnerwith us sometime?不知道你是否愿意什么时候跟我们一起吃顿晚饭?
[+ question word]Iwonder whetheryou couldpassme thebutter?你能不能把黄油递给我?
Iwonder ifyou could give me someinformationaboutplacestovisitin thearea?不知你能否给我提供一些这个地区可供游玩的地方的情况。
- I wonder what thefutureholdsfor you and me.
- She wondered who'dsenther themysteriousemail.
- I was wondering if you'd like to come to thecinemawith me thisevening?
- I wonder what it was about herupbringingthat made her soinsecure.
- When did he lastbrushhisteeth, she wondered.
Thinking and contemplating
- a brown studyidiom
- agonize
- agonize over/aboutsomething
- beard-stroking
- bethink
- consideration
- dip
- harbour
- in the cold light of dayidiom
- introspect
- introspection
- joined-up thinking
- lateral thinking
- reflection
- rumination
- run throughsomeone'smind/headidiom
- scratch
- scratchyourheadidiom
- self-contemplation
- self-reflection
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Polite expressions
tofeelorexpressgreatsurpriseat something:
感到惊讶,觉得惊奇[+ (that)]I don't wonder(that)sheburstintotearsafter the way youspoketo her.你那样对她说话,难怪她会突然哭起来。
- aback
- agape
- aghast
- amazed
- appalled
- flabbergasted
- ghost
- gobsmacked
- goggle-eyed
- headlight
- horror
- horror of horrorsidiom
- jaw
- open-eyed
- open-mouthed
- palpitation
- pearl-clutching
- round-eyed
- someone'sjaw drops (open)idiom
- stalk
I shouldn't wonder
afeelingofgreatsurpriseandadmirationcausedbyseeingorexperiencingsomething that isstrangeand new:
惊讶;惊叹Thesightof the Grand Canyonstretchingout before themfilledthemwithwonder.大峡谷展现在眼前的景象让他们惊叹万分。
Theboysgazedin wonderat theshinyredFerrari.男孩子们惊讶地盯着那辆锃亮的红色法拉利跑车。
[Cusually plural]
奇观;奇迹;奇事Wespentaweekvisitingthe wondersofAncientGreekcivilization.我们花了一周时间游览古希腊文明的奇观。
With all the wondersofmoderntechnology, why has no one come up with a way to makeaircraftquieter?既然现代科技创造了如此多的奇迹,为什么没人想个办法让飞行更安静一些呢?
极其有用的人;能人Our new babysitter's a wonder - she'll come at veryshortnoticeand thekidsloveher.我们家新来的保姆确实非常能干——她能在接到通知后很快赶来,而且孩子们也喜欢她。
- Spacetravelis one of the wonders ofmodernscience.
- Runningworkswonders for themetabolism.
- In hispoemseverydayrealityisinvestedwith asenseof wonder anddelight.
- After fiveyearswith thecompanyshe hadn't beenpromoted-smallwonder then that shedecidedtoquitherjob.
- Thebabylookedwith wonder at theChristmastree.
Feelings of surprise and amazement
- amazement
- astonishment
- bewilderment
- future shock
- incredulity
- shock
- stupefaction
- surprise
- wonderment
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Good and excellent things
Experts and specialists
Successful (things or people)
work/do wonders
it's a wonder
little/small wonder
no wonder
wonders never cease