modal verb
uk/wɪl/us/wɪl/willmodal verb(FUTURE)
used totalkabout what is going tohappenin thefuture,especiallythings that you arecertainabout or things that areplanned:
将,将要Clare will be fiveyearsoldnextmonth.下个月克莱尔就5岁了。
Thetrainleavesat 8:58, so we'll be inScotlandbylunchtime.火车8:58发车,所以我们中午前就能到苏格兰了。
I'llseehimtomorrow./I'll beseeinghimtomorrow.我明天要见他。
Will Susie be there?苏茜会去吗?
It won't beeasytofindanothersecretary.再找一位秘书可不容易。
There'll betroublewhen shefindsout.她要是发现了就麻烦了。
- Thedoctorwillcallnextweektocheckonyourprogress.
- Thechoirwill beperformingthe Hallelujah Chorus at theconcert.
- Thephotoswill bereadyforcollectiononTuesdayafternoon.
- Representativesof thememberstateswill bemeetingnextweek.
- Allourcomputerequipmentwill bereplacedin the nearfuture.
In the future & soon
- ahead
- ahead of
- all in good timeidiom
- anon
- away
- come
- hereon
- in
- in forsomethingidiom
- in the course of timephrase
- in the fullness of timeidiom
- presently
- run
- shortly
- someday
- sometime
- soon
- space
- yet
willmodal verb(ABLE/WILLING)
used totalkabout what someone or something isableor willing to do:
能;愿意I'll give you alift.我用车顺便送你一下。
Ask Gabriela if she'll take them.问问加芙列拉是否会带上他们。
I'veaskedher but she won't come.我问过她了,可她不愿来。
- Thephotocopierwillcollatethedocumentsfor you.
- Yourfatherwill come for you at 4 o'clock.
- In theeventof astrike, thearmywill take overresponsibilityforfirefighting.
- Thegovernmentwill only say it is not in thegeneralinteresttorevealany moreinformation.
- Oh, forcryingoutloud, why won't youlistento me!
Ready and willing
- agreeable
- amenable
- atsomeone'sbeck and callidiom
- atyourcommandidiom
- be chafing at the bitidiom
- beck
- command
- eager
- eagerly
- fain
- find it inyourheart to dosomethingidiom
- finger
- gamely
- keen
- poised
- prepared
- raring
- readily
- readiness
- ripe
willmodal verb(REQUEST)
used toasksomeone to do something:
(用于要求别人做某事)Will you give me heraddress?你能不能给我她的地址?
Will you give that toTonywhen youseehim,please?你能不能在见到托尼的时候把这个转交给他?2
used as apoliteway ofinvitingsomeone to do something, or ofofferingsomeone something:
(用于礼貌地提出邀请或提供某物)Will youjoinus for acupofcoffee, Evie?要不要来喝一杯,埃薇?
Will you come in for a while?进来一会儿好吗?
You'll have somecake, won't you, Charlie?你要吃些蛋糕的,是不是,查理?
- Will you give me ahandwith thisbox?
- When you'vefinishedthatbookwill youlendit to me?
- Will youpassme thesaltplease?
- Will you give me acallwhen you get thismessage?
- Will youplaythatsongagainplease?
Making appeals & requests
- appellate
- ask forsomeone
- behest
- beseech
- call for orderphrase
- call onsomeone
- callsomeonein
- claim
- demand
- implore
- invite
- pay claim
- pretty pleaseidiom
- propitiation
- push
- push forsomething
- put in forsomething
- put the squeeze onsomeoneidiom
- reapply
- requisition
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Polite expressions
willmodal verb(IF)
used inconditionalsentenceswith 'if':
(用于以 if 开头的条件句中)If he's late again, I'll be veryangry.要是他再迟到的话,我会很生气。
I'llwaitwith Christopher if hismotherisn't here when you go.你走以后,如果克里斯多佛的妈妈还不来的话,我就陪他一起等。
- If youseeAlan onyourwanderings, will youtellhim he'swantedin theoffice?
- If we back down on thisissue,ourreputationwill becompromised.
- If the twosidesconflictwith each other again, it will bedisastrousforpartyunity.
- If aplanewindowbreaksthecabinwillrapidlydecompress.
- If wecontinuetodepletethe earth'snaturalresources, we willcauseseriousdamageto theenvironment.
In the future & soon
- ahead
- ahead of
- all in good timeidiom
- anon
- away
- come
- hereon
- in
- in forsomethingidiom
- in the course of timephrase
- in the fullness of timeidiom
- presently
- run
- shortly
- someday
- sometime
- soon
- space
- yet
willmodal verb(LIKELY)
used to refer to what islikely:
可能,大概That'll be Scott at thedoor.敲门的可能是斯科特。
That'll be hismotherwith him.可能是他妈妈和他在一起。
As you all willknow,electiondayis nextweek.你们可能都知道了,选举定在下星期。
- You will haveheardabout theplansfor nextweek.
- You willprobablyhave already madeplansfor theweekend.
- That'll beTonyon thephone.
- As you will haveguessedby now,Davidand I areengaged.
- You will beawarethat things haven't been going well.
Possible and probable
- always
- anything's possibleidiom
- arguably
- as never beforeidiom
- auspiciously
- bet
- fair
- it isn't over until the fat lady singsidiom
- lean
- lean towards sth
- liable
- likelihood
- manage
- probable
- probably
- prospective
- prospectively
- realm
- tend
- tip
willmodal verb(ORDER)
used whenangrytotellsomeone to do something:
(表示生气地命令某人)Will youstopbeing such apain!你能不能别那么讨厌!
You'll goupstairsand you'll gostraighttobedlikeyourfathertold you!你应该听你爸爸的话,上楼睡觉去。
- You will do as you are told!
- Will youshutup!
- Will youstopdoing that andpayattention!
- You'llfinishyourdinnerif youwantanydessert.
- You'lltidyyourroombefore you go out.
Giving orders & commands
- all-points bulletin
- bossily
- bossiness
- bossyboots
- call forsomeone
- decree
- defy
- demand
- dictate
- expect
- harry
- importunate
- lay down the lawidiom
- officious
- ordain
- prescribe
- shovesomeonearound
- stick
- stick out forsomething
- task
willmodal verb(ALWAYS)
used when referring to something that always or usuallyhappens:
总是;一直Accidents willhappen.事故总是会发生的。
Fruit willkeeplongerin thefridge.水果放在冰箱里保存的时间会更长。
Theproductwith the better-knownbrandnamewill alwayssellbetter.名牌商品的销量总会好一些。
She's 85 now, but she willinsiston doing all her ownhousework.她已经85岁了,但她还是一直坚持自己做家务。
- Mychildrenwill always come before mycareer.
- I'mafraidphysicswill always be aclosedbookto me.
- People willfilelawsuitsat thedropof ahatthesedays.
- Tightjeanswill onlyemphasizeanyextraweightthat you arecarrying.
- Anemptybottlewillfloat.
Always & never
- again
- all alongidiom
- all-time
- along
- always
- aye
- ever
- fail
- hell
- in all my (born) daysidiom
- in/through all the yearsidiom
- invariably
- kingdom
- month
- on demandidiom
- perpetual
- perpetually
- till/until kingdom comeidiom
- till/until the cows come homeidiom
- whenever
Be going toorwill?
Will is often used in a similar way to be going to. Will is used when we are talking about something with absolute certainty. Be going to is used when we want to emphasise our decision or the evidence in the present:…Willandshall: form
Will and shall are modal verbs. They are used with the base form of the main verb (They will go; I shall ask her). Shall is only used for future time reference with I and we, and is more formal than will.…Willandshall: uses
We use will and shall to make predictions and to state facts about the future:…Will
Will comes first in the verb phrase in a statement (after the subject and before another verb). It is often contracted to ’ll in informal situations:…Will: form
Will comes first in the verb phrase in a statement (after the subject and before another verb). It is often contracted to ’ll in informal situations:…Will: uses
One of the main uses of will is to refer to things in the future that we think are certain:…Willandshall
We use will for all persons, but we often use shall with I and we. Will (’ll) is generally less formal than shall when used with I and we:…Will: typical error
We use will or ’ll to express intentions or decisions, or to make offers, not the present simple:…Idiom
will do
uk/wɪl/us/wɪl/willnoun(MENTAL POWER)
thementalpowerused tocontrolanddirectyourthoughtsandactions, or adeterminationto do something,despiteanydifficultiesoropposition:
意志;毅力;决心From an earlyageshe had a verystrongwill.从很小时起,她就有坚强的意志。
[+ to infinitive]After sixmonthsinhospitalshebegantolosethe willtolive(= thedesireanddeterminationtostayalive).住院6个月后,她开始失去活下去的勇气。
the ability to keep doing something difficult
- perseveranceA years-long political scandal broke last week thanks to the dogged perseverance of local reporters.
- determinationAfter years of hard work and determination, she was finally promoted to CEO.
- persistenceHe was known for his persistence in the pursuit of justice.
- stick-to-it-ivenessUSThis type of work requires a long-term commitment and a lot of stick-to-it-iveness.
- single-mindednessHer single-mindedness helped her win six US Open singles titles.
- doggednessTheir sheer doggedness and ambition helped them ignore criticism and carry on.
what someonewantstohappen:
意愿;心愿;希望It was God's will.这是上帝的意愿。
Againsttheirwill(=althoughthey did notwantto), they wereforcedtohandover themoney.他们被迫违背自己的意愿,交出了钱。
Thegovernmenthasfailedtoimposeitswilluponregionalcommunities(= to make them do as itwants).政府没能将自己的意愿强加给地方。
See also
free will
- A goodleadermust have astrongwill.
- "The will of man is by hisreasonswayed."
- Her willturnedout to bestrongerthan his.
- Hesucceededbysheerstrengthof will.
- She was alwaystryingtoimposeher will on otherpeople.
Strength of will and determination
- aggressiveness
- bitter
- bloody-mindedness
- character
- character-building
- dead
- determination
- fibre
- fight
- inflexibility
- intransigence
- inveteracy
- mettle
- militancy
- recalcitrance
- resolution
- resolve
- single-mindedness
- stamina
- staying power
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Goals and purposes
anofficialstatementof what apersonhasdecidedshould be done withtheirmoneyandpropertyaftertheirdeath:
遗嘱Have youmadea willyet?你立遗嘱了吗?
Sheleftme somemoneyinher will.她在遗嘱中留给我一些钱。
- He wasstruckout from his father's will.
- Heleftme hisracehorsesin his will.
- When sheremarried, she made a new will.
Inheriting & bequeathing
- advance directive
- assign
- beneficiary
- bequeath
- bequest
- cadger
- execute
- executor
- heir
- heir apparent
- heiress
- inherit
- inheritance
- passsomethingdown
- patrimony
- pond life
- pond scum
- primogeniture
- testament
- testate
at will
where there's a will there's a way
with a will
uk/wɪl/us/wɪl/willverb(MAKE HAPPEN)
[+ obj + to infinitive]
If you will something tohappen, youtryto make ithappenby thepowerofyourthoughts:
设法用意志力驱使;决意She willed herselftorememberhisname.她努力去记住他的名字。
想要;渴望Stay or go,as youwill.留还是走,随你自己选。
Wanting things
- ache forsomething
- acquisitive
- ambitious
- ambitiously
- angle
- angle forsomething
- desperate
- fancy
- hanker after/forsomething
- haveyoureye onsomethingidiom
- hunger
- hunger after/forsomething
- pine
- setyourheart onsomething/doing somethingidiom
- setyoursights onsomethingidiom
- shook
- sight
- someone'sheart's desireidiom
- straw
- super-ambitious
toarrangeto givemoneyorpropertytoothersafteryourdeath
遗赠Inheriting & bequeathing
- advance directive
- assign
- beneficiary
- bequeath
- bequest
- cadger
- execute
- executor
- heir
- heir apparent
- heiress
- inherit
- inheritance
- passsomethingdown
- patrimony
- pond life
- pond scum
- primogeniture
- testament
- testate