Ourholidaywasspoiledby badweather.我们的假期全被坏天气给破坏了。
We've just had some very badnews.我们刚刚得到了一些很不好的消息。
Watch out - he'sin abadmood.
Thecompanyhas been getting a lot of badpublicity(=negativethings have been written or said about it)recently.该公司最近在媒体上的负面新闻很多。
bad weather, conditions, situations, etc.
- badIf the weather is bad, we'll have to find something else to do.
- poorShe's 87 and in poor health.
- direThe predictions for the economy are dire.
- grimShe was quickly brought back to the grim reality of her life.
- awfulThe smell from the bins was awful.
having a bad result or outcome
- seriousHer condition is not thought to be serious.
- badHe got a bad case of food poisoning.
- bigOnline fraud is a big problem.
- majorIt's not a major problem, but it does need to be taken care of.
- graveThe public are in grave danger.
- I had a really baddream.
- Therainis getting worse.
- Have you had a badday?
Serious and unpleasant
- abominable
- abominably
- abysmal
- abysmally
- apocalyptic
- fiendish
- fraught
- frightful
- from hellidiom
- fun
- nasty
- nightmarish
- nightmarishly
- noisome
- not be all fun and gamesidiom
- unutterable
- vile
- woeful
- woefully
- wretchedly
badadjective(LOW QUALITY)
oflowquality, or notacceptable:
劣质的,很差的;不可接受的Theplumberdid a badjobon therepairs.这名水管工的维修工作干得很糟。
He has some very badhabits.他有一些很不好的习惯。
In somepartsof theworld, it isconsideredbadmannerstopickupfoodwith thelefthand.在世界上某些地区,用左手取食物会被认为是失礼的行为。
He wassenthomefromschoolfor badbehaviour.他因行为不端被学校开除了。
Thatremarkwas inprettybadtaste, wasn't it?那句话很不雅,对吧?
Theirproblemsweremainlycausedby badjudgment.
I had a very badnight(= did notsleepwell).
bad at something
- bad atI was overweight and bad at sport.
- hopelessI’m completely hopeless in the kitchen.
- uselessUKHe’s useless at maths.
- rubbishUKShe’s a pretty rubbish singer, really.
- incompetentThe rules have made it hard to remove incompetent teachers.
of bad quality
- badThe food wasn’t as bad as I’d expected.
- poorTheir efforts produced extremely poor results.
- low/poor/bad qualityTheir sausages are made with low-quality meat.
- mediocreThe striker has been dropped after a mediocre performance.
- inferiorThe copies are of inferior quality.
- Thefoodwas bad.
- Don't beafraidtocomplainif theserviceis bad.
- I won'tflywith anairlinethat has a badsafetyrecord.
Not of good quality
- a miserable, poor, etc. excuse forsomethingidiom
- appallingly
- atrocious
- atrociously
- awfully
- awfulness
- badness
- downscale
- inadequacy
- inadequate
- inadequately
- janky
- shite
- tacky
- tawdriness
- tawdry
- thinness
- third-class
- third-rate
- wretched
notsuccessful, or notableto do something well:
Business has been bad thisyear.
I'm very badatcooking.
EveryonethinksI'm a baddriver.
not producing a desired result
- unsuccessfulOur attempts to change the law were unsuccessful.
- failedThe company went bankrupt pouring money into yet another failed product.
- badSales have been really bad this quarter.
- fruitlessAll our pleas that she remain in university were fruitless - she left anyway.
- unfruitfulThe negotiations were unfruitful.
- Theteamwere really bad today - theydeservedtolose.
- Everyorganizationhas some badmanagers.
- The company'sfinancialsituationisprettybad at themoment.
- She's just a badloser.
Unsuccessful (people and things)
- abortive
- achiever
- be dead in the wateridiom
- botched
- counterproductive
- flatline
- frustrated
- futile
- go/get/head nowhereidiom
- inauspicious
- lame duck
- redemption
- rope
- small-time
- small-timer
- struggling
- up and downidiom
- vain
- vainly
- washed up
Thedamagecausedby thestormwasnowherenear as/nothing like asbadaswe'dfearedit might be.
Thequeueswere so bad that I didn'tbotherwaiting.
a badcough咳得厉害
- I had the worstfluI'deverexperienced.
- It wasquitea badaccident.
- Theunrestshowsjust how bad thesituationhas got.
Serious and unpleasant
- abominable
- abominably
- abysmal
- abysmally
- apocalyptic
- fiendish
- fraught
- frightful
- from hellidiom
- fun
- nasty
- nightmarish
- nightmarishly
- noisome
- not be all fun and gamesidiom
- unutterable
- vile
- woeful
- woefully
- wretchedly
Breathing in other people'scigarettesmokeis badforyou.
They have a baddiet.
Dangerous and harmful
- adverse
- adversely
- apocalyptic
- bad actor
- be murder onsomethingidiom
- destructiveness
- detrimental
- devastating
- devastatingly
- do more harm than goodidiom
- insidiousness
- kiss of deathidiom
- malicious
- murder
- negatively
- stinking thinking
- suicidally
- troublesome
- unholy
- unwholesome
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Passing on illness & causing disease
邪恶的;道德败坏的There are a lot of badpeoplein theworld.世界上有许多坏人。
He has hisfaultsbut he's not a badperson.他有缺点,但还不是坏人。
a bad person, action, etc.
- badA very bad man is getting what he deserves.
- evilHe was an evil dictator who murdered his own people.
- wickedRapunzel was trapped inside a tower by a wicked witch.
- awfulShe was truly awful to him through their entire marriage.
- terribleHe was a terrible husband.
- He's beenkeepingbadcompany.
- He's not a badguy, just amisguidedone.
- She was in with a bad lot.
- I've done some bad things in mytime.
Morally wrong and evil
- abhorrent
- amoral
- amorality
- anomie
- antichrist
- disgrace
- dissipated
- dissolute
- dissolutely
- dissoluteness
- no goodidiom
- no more Mr Nice Guyidiom
- non-ethical
- obscene
- obscenely
- trespass
- turpitude
- unconscionable
- unconscionably
- unethical
notsuitableor notconvenient:
This is a badtimefor me totalk. Can Icallyou backlater?
Shearrivedat the worstpossiblemoment.
- Heannouncedhisresignationat a really badtimefor theproject.
- It wasprobablya bad thing to say at thatparticularmoment.
Unsuitable and unacceptable
- amiss
- be in bad, poor, the worst possible, etc. tasteidiom
- beneathyourdignityidiom
- beyond
- beyond the paleidiom
- incorrect
- incorrectly
- indecent
- ineligibility
- ineligible
- not cricketidiom
- offend againstsomething
- over-extravagant
- raffish
- raffishness
- unsuitable
- unsuitably
- unsuited
- unworthy
- vulgarity
令人痛苦的;疼痛的She can'twalkup all thosesteps, not with her badleg!她的腿那么疼,上不了那么多台阶!
I've got a badheadthismorning.
- painfulHer ankle was still painful if she put weight on it.
- soreMy feet are sore from walking around all day.
- tenderThe glands in my neck feel really tender.
- sensitiveMy face was bright red and sensitive to the touch.
- excruciatingHis injury caused excruciating headaches.
Pain & painful
- -racked
- ache
- agonizing
- be murder onsomethingidiom
- brain freeze
- cluster headache
- dull
- dully
- dysmenorrhea
- excruciating
- grief
- neuralgia
- pang
- prick
- rawness
- sciatic
- sharpness
- sting
- throb
- tingle
harmfultoeatbecause of beingdecayed:
腐烂的,变质的We'dbettereatthischickenbefore itgoesbad.我们最好趁鸡肉还没有变质赶快把它吃了。
Not pleasant to eat or drink
- (as) tough as old bootsidiom
- bitter
- bitterness
- bland
- chewy
- dishwater
- insipidly
- insipidness
- like dishwateridiom
- mouldy
- overripe
- pungent
- stale
- staleness
- stick tosomeone'sribsidiom
- stodginess
- stodgy
- unpalatable
- unripe
- watery
Good at,bad at
We use adjective + at to talk about things that we do well or badly:…Idioms
be in a bad way
feel bad
givesomethingup as a bad job
go from bad to worse
not bad
not (too) bad
USuk/bæd/us/bæd/informalforbadly(= very much):
Myarmhurtsso bad.我的手臂疼得厉害。
Linguistics: very & extreme
- abjectly
- abundantly
- beyond
- biblical
- blankly
- completely
- desperately
- extreme
- highly
- rank
- raving
- serious
- smack
- spectacularly
- such
- terrible
- terribly
- unutterably
- veritably
- wonderfully
have (got) it bad
uk/bæd/us/bæd/things oreventsthat are not good or that aremorallywrong:
坏;坏的事物;厄运She onlyeverseesthe bad inpeople.她总是只能看到人们不好的一面。
Morally wrong and evil
- abhorrent
- amoral
- amorality
- anomie
- antichrist
- disgrace
- dissipated
- dissolute
- dissolutely
- dissoluteness
- no goodidiom
- no more Mr Nice Guyidiom
- non-ethical
- obscene
- obscenely
- trespass
- turpitude
- unconscionable
- unconscionably
- unethical
You can also find related words, phrases, and synonyms in the topics:
Bad and wrong behaviour
go to the bad
my bad
take the bad with the good
to the bad