Ioncespentayearin New York in a friend's windowlessbasementapartment.
They had been 89daysatseain the windowlesssubmarine.
- Iwokeupalonein asmall, windowlessroom.
- Thewarehouseworkerswent onstriketoprotestagainst what theydescribedashot, windowless, soul-crushingworkenvironments.
- Solitaryconfinementbasicallymeansbeingshutin a windowlessroomby yourself 23hoursaday.
- They maybuildwindowlessplanes–faster,lighterandfilledwith "virtual"views.
- Theymetin a windowless,soundproofroomin theJusticeDepartment.
Parts of buildings: windows & parts of windows
- architrave
- bay window
- bi-fold
- bow window
- casement
- fanlight
- glasssomethingin/over
- glaze
- glazed
- glazing
- mullioned
- multi-paned
- pane
- picture window
- rose window
- sill
- skylight
- storm window
- transom
- triple glazing