Windsor chair
uk/ˌwɪnd.zə ˈtʃeər/us/ˌwɪnd.zɚ ˈtʃer/astyleofwoodenchairwith acurvedback and aseatwithholesinto which thelegsand thepartsformingthe back arefitted:
温莎椅Heleanedback in theoldWindsorchairandclaspedhishandsbehind hishead.他靠在一把老旧的温莎椅上,双手抱在脑后。

mtjhome/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
- Hetaughtaclassin making Windsorchairs.
- There was atablein there and a Windsorchair.
- Hebuildscustomstaircasesandcabinets, and has inrecentyearsfocusedonhandmadeWindsorchairsandfurniture.
Chairs & seats
- -seater
- armchair
- armrest
- banquette
- bar stool
- beach chair
- front seat
- high chair
- living room suite
- lounger
- love seat
- perch
- saddle
- seating
- settee
- shooting stick
- shotgun
- stall
- stool
- window seat